
#1292 Error updating skim



I've had a persistent update error. When a new version of Skim is released I am made aware by the dialog box asking if I would like to download and update (Error1.PNG). I accept and then a downloading window opens (Error2.PNG), after which I'm presented with an error box that says it couldn't be completed at this time (Error3.PNG).

This issue has followed me across a manual re-install.

I'm using Mojave 10.14.2 (18C54)
Skim is Version 1.4.36 (110)

3 Attachments


  • Ash

    Ash - 2019-01-18

    Had a look at the

    It seems to be failing on the TLS handshake. The error is:

    error 14:52:41.758819 +1100 Skim Task <80EE5866-23B0-4CEF-AA5C-A133E951DE66>.<0> HTTP load failed (error code: -1200 [3:-9824])
    error 14:52:41.758904 +1100 Skim NSURLConnection finished with error - code -1200


    Last edit: Ash 2019-01-18
  • Ash

    Ash - 2019-01-18

    Not sure if that 80EE... etc. is some kind of key. If so please let me know how to regenerate them.

    • Christiaan Hofman

      Weird, it did work for me. Perhaps substituted a wrong
      mirror URL.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • status: unread --> open-works-for-me
  • Christiaan Hofman

    I think the problem resides with sourceforge. I've had failures of their secure connections before, and it recently had problems getting its mirrors synchronised. Probably better to fail a secure connection than making the connection unsecure.

  • Ash

    Ash - 2019-01-18

    Perhaps, but it's a persistent problem. I manually updated to the latest version a few months ago after the auto-update failed and now it's failing again. This is not just a simple case of a singular failure. Something is systematically wrong in the update procedure.

    • Christiaan Hofman

      Very strange. I don't see what we could do about this, especially as I cannot reproduce the problem.

  • trigger08

    trigger08 - 2019-03-07

    I see the current theory is this is a SourceForge problem, just wanted to chime in that I've been having the exact same issue for a few months and have been downloading the update dmg's directly as a workaround.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • status: open-works-for-me --> closed-works-for-me
  • Masahiro Nakamura

    environment: macOS Mojave 10.14.6, Skim 1.5.5(121)
    I failed updating too.
    After pressing Install Update, I got update error.
    Following is error logs which log title is Skim (Sparkle).

    Error   08:07:59.857449 +0900   Skim    Error: An error occurred while downloading the update. Please try again later.(null) (URL
    Error   08:07:59.857485 +0900   Skim    Error: An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made. (null) (URL
    Error   08:07:59.860828 +0900   Skim    Error: Operation could not be completed.(kCFErrorDomainCFNetworkError-1200(null) (URL (null))

    I can download Skim-1.5.6.dmg from by Safari or curl -O.
    I wonder if this prombem is related to App Transport Security (ATS).


    Last edit: Masahiro Nakamura 2020-01-16
    • Masahiro Nakamura

      Today I was able to download and install update...


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