Zachary1234 - 2015-09-15

I have been testing SizeOf. So far, it behave a little bit better than before it's present
latest state.

SizeOf loads the console output screen (in 64 bit Windows 7), and outputs a line


-How may I prevent this line ever going out? Can I prior suprress this with the right annotation?
What is that?

-I have to supply a "-javaagent:" command at prompt to the path to the SizeOf.jar file.
Is it possible to place a static block before the main method, or even inside main itself,
to do with via System.setPropertiew(,); without altering anything on the command line? By means of approaching the System object, can the path command be sent there, with no Instrumentation and the size call working?

-Can I avoid the extra command line instruction with and without building my main methid into an executable jar file? If so, what do I do?