
Sitatious / News: Recent posts


Three new developers have been added to the project today. Colean - Colean Brunner, dgualdron - asi o mas, and narek-g - Narek Gevorgian. There are still several other people who may also be added as developers. If you responded to my developer request and have not yet heard back from me then please contact me again. I believe I have gotten back to everyone who has requested to be added and I'm just waiting for your reply.

Posted by Robert Minkler 2008-11-07

Sitatious CMS Pre-Alpha 0.0.1 Released

The first public release of the new Sitatious Website Content Management System was made today. While it is still in the pre-alpha phase, it is stable and the major components are functional. In fact, one site ( has been running on Sitatious for nearly a year (long before it was named Sitatious).

Sitatious intends to fill a gap that exists in Content Management Software today. It will allow a developer to easily integrate Sitatious and a custom site design or template. Then hand the finished site over to their clients who can then edit the site's contents themselves if they chose to do so. Most CMS's are too complex for many site owners to understand and Sitatious hopes to eventually fill that gap and make maintaining a small website simple.... read more

Posted by Robert Minkler 2008-11-03