
Sipe plugin stopped working 8/19/2015

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  • Zootal

    Zootal - 2015-08-21

    Two days ago, I'm getting "Failed to authenticate to server" on all of my computers using this plugin in Pidgin. My guess is Microsoft changed something in their protocol. Has anyone else seen this?

    • beeg

      beeg - 2015-08-21

      Same for me.

  • Bill Roehl

    Bill Roehl - 2015-08-21

    Same issue here, starting on the same date; however, I'm using Adium, instead. I can't find anything anywhere, yet, suggesting any way to resolve the issue.

  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2015-08-21

    Please take a --debug log and compare it to the one in [bugs:#285]. My guess is that you will see the same TLS-DSK handshake failure.

    More debug data will be required from Lync client connections to determine if M$ has changed something in the TLS-DSK handshake.



    Bugs: #285

  • Jason T

    Jason T - 2015-08-24

    Mine just started today, I'm getting "Incompatible authentication scheme chosen"

  • stevecrye

    stevecrye - 2015-08-24

    My collegues and I have been experiencing "Failed to authenticate to server" since 8/19/2015. We use the login format, connection type auto, user agent string "UCCAPI/15.0.4481.1000 OC/15.0.4481.1000 (Microsoft Lync , TLS-DSK auth scheme , no proxy. The MS Skype for B 2010 or 2013 clients still work, but yuk ... missing Pidgin!



  • JRLA

    JRLA - 2015-08-24

    Same issue with connecting. I was running the 1.17.1 version, so I pulled down and built the latest 1.19.x version. That did not work. I also built a newer useragent string from my workmake's lync version:

    UCCAPI/15.0.4569.1503 OC/15.0.4569.1506 (Microsoft Lync).

    nothing worked.

  • Old Techie

    Old Techie - 2015-08-25

    Same here. MS must have changed something.

  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2015-08-25

    This issue has been root caused: M$ most likely is disabling RC4 stream cipher support on their servers.


    • changing the settings won't help. Please do not waste your time fiddeling around with them.
    • we know what the root cause is. Please do not waste your and our time by filing another bug report
    • [bugs:#285] already has all the data we need. Please do not waste your and our time by attaching another --debug log to it.

    Please make sure to follow [bugs:#285] and (if you can) test the code from git HEAD



    Bugs: #285

  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2015-08-26

    The issue has been fixed and I can login to my Office365 test account again.

    I'm going to start on a new release ASAP, but if you can't wait please compile git HEAD yourself.

  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2015-08-26

    If you do not know how to build the package for your system then you might want to try a package from my OBS development project. I have updated it to the latest code from git HEAD.

  • Grank

    Grank - 2015-08-26

    Wow, 20+ commits in 3 days to fix this issue! Thank you for all your hard work on this Stefan. I know reverse-engineering and supporting a downstream consumer of a protocol that changes upstream all the time for no reason and offers you no support (or even notification changes are coming, jerks) can be damn irritating, especially when we're all clamoring for the next fix, so I wanted to make sure you know that we appreciate your herculean efforts to keep this (the ONLY alternative to Communicator/Lync/Skype for Business as far as I know) working.
    I don't have a cygwin environment set up right now so I haven't tested the code in MOB yet, but I look forward to the next release! (or alternately I'll get around to setting up a build environment; I probably should have one handy given my reliance on the sipe plugin, but it's been like 14 years since I read any C so it's not like I could make myself actually useful if I had one ;))

  • Zootal

    Zootal - 2015-08-26

    Working good here! THANK YOU ALL for everything you did to make this happen. LIke Grank said, amazing that we can fix something like this in 3 days. Imigane how long it would take Microsoft to do the same thing? It would take more than 3 days just to get the planning committee to gether.

  • Zootal

    Zootal - 2015-08-26

    PS AT first it failed because install did not overwrite/remove the old one. That isn't the fault of the installer - I had to manually hunt and kill the old version and fix a symlink in /usr/lib64, and once I did that it started working perfectly.

    Also, for reasons unknown, sometimes a plugin put into /usr/lib(64)/purple-2 or /usr/lib(64)/pidgin won't work, but putting it in ~./.purple/plugins does. So after ./configure;make;install, sometimes you have to go into the /usr/lib(64)/.. directory and manually copy the files to ~./.purple/plugins. I have no idea why this is so, but I've seen this in pidgin for a year or so now. Maybe pidgin 3 will fix this?

  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2015-08-26

    As it will be a while until the release is ready I have uploaded the Adium plugin (.zip) and Windows Pidgin plugin (.exe) packages to the development file area

    • Grank

      Grank - 2015-08-26

      ^ You are a goddamn HERO :D
      I can confirm that the posted package of MOB 368a15e resolves the problem for me :)

    • Jacob Weber

      Jacob Weber - 2015-08-28

      Thank you!!! I can confirm that the Adium plugin works for me on OS 10.10.5. Really appreciate the quick fix.

  • minnmass

    minnmass - 2015-08-27

    First off, as others have said, THANK YOU for the blazingly fast response.

    However, there's an issue with the fix and either Win8.1 x64 or Skype for Business: when I send messages, the other person's Skype loses connection to the server (or even crashes).

    ... Pidgin 2.10.11 (libpurple 2.10.11) on Win8.1 x64.

    If any other information would be helpful, just ask.

    • Stefan Becker

      Stefan Becker - 2015-08-27

      The TLS-DSK fix does not affect message processing in any way. SIP authentication is private between server and one client. I fail to see how the fix (or SIPE in general) can be responsible for remote client connection loss or crash.

      • minnmass

        minnmass - 2015-08-27

        I didn't say it made sense, just that two people (with whom I frequenly IM via SIPE) complained that IMs sent after installing the update caused them to lose connection to Skype.

        However, after dis- and re-enabling the account, they're not getting kicked anymore. So, yay for intermittant issues, I guess.

        Again, THANK YOU! for this plugin, and for the fast fix.

  • stevecrye

    stevecrye - 2015-08-27

    Just reiterating thanks, Stefan! I have no way to complile, so I will have to wait for the next release. But I would like to help via a PayPal donation; if you have an account, let us know how to donate.

    Thanks again, having to use the MS Lync client is maddening.


  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2015-08-29

    FYI: the fix is available in release 1.20.0.

    For package maintainers of distros that can't update to 1.20.0 I've attached a backport patch for 1.18.x/1.19.x to [#285]

    [#285] is now closed. Please do not waste your or our time by creating a new one for this issue. Thank you.



    Bugs: #285

    • Jason Patrick

      Jason Patrick - 2016-02-02

      I too was impacted by the 8/19 MS change. I have loaded the latest release (1.20.1 for Pidgin 2.10.11 on Win 7). However, I am still receiving the following error when I attempt to connect using the exact same credentials I use with the Lync client: The entered and stored passwords do not match.
      I'll be happy to provide whatever settings / log information may be able to help diagnose my problem, but I could really use some help, or at least a pointer in a direction to look.

      • Stefan Becker

        Stefan Becker - 2016-02-03

        The problem discussed in this thread is completely different. Your error message shows that the authentication handshake is already in progress, whereas the problem discussed here is that the handshake is rejected immediately.

        I can only assume that your account information is no longer correct, most likely the Login field.


        Last edit: Stefan Becker 2016-02-03
  • Antoine Kougblenou

    Hi, I am working on Mac 10.10.5 and I have tried the release 1.20.0 of the plugin for Adium but it still crashes, with the same error as previously mentionned "Error: Failed to authenticate to server", am I missing few steps in using the new version of the plugin ?


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