
Some add

  • Giovanni Di Maria

    Can you add these new features?

    • Toggle grid On-Off
    • improve export of shematic to image, at better resolution
    • now, i cannot connect a component to an existent node
    • export schematic to BOM (Bill of materials)
    • allow oblique connection
    • draw rectangle, lines and circler

    Thank you very much

  • Santiago

    Santiago - 2018-02-22

    Hi Giovanni.

    Toggle grid On-Off:................. OK.
    Export image resolution:......... I have to see if possible.
    Connect to existing node:....... Not by now.
    Export to BOM:....................... Doable, let me see what can i do.
    Oblique connection:................ Not by now.
    Draw basic shapes:.................. OK.

    Thanks for your feedback.


  • Giovanni Di Maria

    Hi Santiago.
    First of all THANK YOU for your great job.
    I use your SimulIDE as my official application about electronic, and for this, i will help you, in future, if you want (translation in italian, creation of libraries, etc).

    About BOM, it should be interesting to produce a TXT file containing, for example:

    R1 , 220 ohm , resistor
    R2 , 10K , resistor
    P1 , 1K , potentiometer
    C1 , 220uF , capacitor

    These data can be taken easilly from the file.simu........
    Thank you again Santiago.
    Best regards
    Giovanni Di Maria

  • Santiago

    Santiago - 2018-02-22

    Any help will be very apreciated!

    The best help we need right now is bug reports, specially crash cases, there are too many cases and we can't test everyone. Some of them may look ovbious for the user, but we tend to use simulide in the way it works and sometimes we don't see what is in front of our noses.

    About translation:
    A translation system is not yet fully implemented, but is in todo list.

    About BOM:
    The problem is selecting wich value/s should appear in the list.
    Maybe it will nedd some new property that defines values needed for BOM, and add it to every component.
    Maybe a "print()" function for each component ? ....
    I need to have a look to it and see which is the simplest aproach.

  • Santiago

    Santiago - 2018-02-23

    Hi Giovanni.

    Wich operating system are you using?

  • Giovanni Di Maria

    Hi Santiago.
    I use Windows 10 32 bit and SimulIDE_0.1.6.
    This morning i had placed on my schematic a display HD44780.
    The program halted and stopped.
    Then i had restarted the program, i had placed on my schematic a display HD44780 again,
    and it worked fine.
    Perhaps it was a problem of my computer.
    Regards. Thank you.

    PS. It should be interesting to add, as nre component,
    a matrix keyboard, with adjustable number of rows and columns.


  • Santiago

    Santiago - 2018-02-26

    Yes, a keypad would be interesting.
    But... adjustable number of rows and columns?
    That mean keys without label? or how do you see it?

  • Giovanni Di Maria

    I think that is simple (ideally).
    Suppose that you place a keyboard on the schematic.
    Then you go to his properties.
    Here you can set:

    • number of rows: example 4
    • number of columns: example 3
    • String of labels: "123456789"

    Every char will be placed on each key.

    Bigger keyboards could have this string: "123456789#0*"

    Best regards

  • Santiago

    Santiago - 2018-02-26

    Yes... looks good idea, simple and does the job.

    I'm now changing the switches model, because switches now are not working properly in some cases.
    When i finish this i will create the keyboard.


  • Giovanni Di Maria

    Thank you Santiago.
    Thank you very much for you great job!!!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-03-19

    Hi Santiago.
    Thank you!!!!!
    You have made a wonderful thing for all programmers.
    Only 2 questions:
    1) I don't find how to hide the grid
    2) On Sourceforge site, where can i find the last updates of your program?

    Thank you again. You are GREAT !!!

  • Giovanni Di Maria

    Fantastic Santiago!!!!
    Thank you.
    How can i hide the grid?
    Where can i find the description of last updates, on Sourceforge?
    Thank you again!!!!

  • Santiago

    Santiago - 2018-03-20

    Hi Giovanni.
    Hide Grid is in Circuit Properties: open properties panel and click on any empty part of circuit.

    The best source of info is this page:

    There are some tutorials, link to downloads, etc.


  • Giovanni Di Maria

    Hi Santiago.
    It's fantastic
    Thank you!!!
    I have made a donation of 20 euros...
    Please tell me if you receive it,
    Regards and thanks

  • Santiago

    Santiago - 2018-03-20

    Heyy!!! thank you very much!!

    Yes, i received, i apreciate it a lot.

    Best Regards.

  • Giovanni Di Maria

    Hi Santiago.
    Happy Easter.
    When you have time, can you add (if possible):
    - a Led matrix 5x7 (or variable leds...)
    - IC CD4510 and CD4511 ?

    Thank you very much.

  • Santiago

    Santiago - 2018-03-31

    Hi Giovanni.

    Ok, lets see what can i do.


  • Santiago

    Santiago - 2018-05-30

    About CD4511:
    There is already a BCD seven segment in logic components.
    With this one you can feed binary directly to 7 segment.

    Do you need CD4511 for something else?

    About CD4510:
    It could be done as a subcircuit.
    Having a look to the circuit is a bit too complex for a subcircuit, specially if you need to use many of them, but i think it could be simplified. At least most of the buffers are not really needed i think.
    Have you tried to create ICs as subcircuits?

  • Giovanni Di Maria

    Ok, right, i can use BCD 7 seg.,,
    I have never create a SUBCKT..... i will try soon....
    Thank you!!