
Scrollability to Circiut Center Panel

  • softpyle

    softpyle - 2018-08-23

    for users with small monitors

  • Santiago

    Santiago - 2018-08-23

    You can already scroll circuit:
    - Shift+Left-click on any empty part of the circuit and move to scroll circuit.
    Since 0.2.8 you can scroll by dragging the canvas with mouse middle button

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-08-28

    Actually I prefer visible scrollbars as well. Maybe some sort of configuration file (or at least parameters during startup) to set these preferences would be wellcome. For the time being I commented out the following lines in circuitview.cpp to enable the scrollbars:
    setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
    setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );

  • Santiago

    Santiago - 2018-08-28

    Yes, it could be configurable.
    I will add a feature request.