

SimThyr Version history

Milestone 4.0 (Merlion)

Major re-write of simulator engine, addition of null isocline plots, enhanced data export options and model annotations

4.0.6: Bug fixes and first public release of a SimThyr version for command-line interfaces (SVN commits 490 to 504, 23-IV-2022).

4.0.5: Bug fixes (SVN commits 483 to 488, 07-I-2022).

4.0.4: Bug fixes (SVN commits 473 to 480, 31-XII-2021).

4.0.3: Bug fixes (SVN commits 466 to 471, 31-VIII-2020).

4.0.2: Bug fixes and first 64-bit version to support macOS Cocoa, including optional dark mode (SVN commits 432 to 462, 31-III-2020).

4.0.1: Bug fixes (SVN commits r404 to r430, 31-V-2019).

4.0: First version of SimThyr 4 featuring nullcline plots, numeric export options and support for MIRIAM-compliant models (SVN commits 262 to 288 and 296 to 401, 13-IV-2017).

Milestone 3.3 (Gaia)

Introduction of two-way sensitivity analysis.

3.3.3: Bug fixes for structure parameters editor (SVN commits r289 to r293, 13-IV-2015).

3.3.2: Bug fix release, speed accelerations, GUI improvements for Windows and Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite. First version to be code-signed for Mac OS X Mavericks and Yosemite (SVN commits r249 to r259, 18-YI-2014).

3.3.1: Bug fixes (SVN commits r238 to r248, 26-VII-2014).

3.3: Two-way sensitivity analysis, new option to switch off circadian TRH rhythm, version handling for scenario files, more flexible handling of units of measurement based on PUMA Repository, bug fixes (SVN commits r182 to r236, 24-V-2014).

Milestone 3.2 (Meridian)

Multiple new features and numerous bug fixes.

3.2.4: Bug fixes (SVN commits r176 to r179, 13-X-2013).

3.2.3: Bug fixes (SVN commits r137 to r172, 13-IX-2013).

3.2.2: Bug fixes (SVN commit r134, 26-I-2013).

3.2.2 Snapshot 20130126: Issue with parameter editor fixed (SVN commit r133, 26-I-2013)

3.2.2 Snapshot 20130120: Improved DIF export, crash after resetting structure parameters
fixed (SVN commits r124 to r132, 20-I-2013)

3.2.1: Bug fixes (SVN commits r119 and r120, 02-XI-2012).

3.2.1 Snapshot 20121031: Only Snapshot of SimThyr 3.2.1, nearly identical to final
version 3.2.1 (SVN commits r116 to r118, 31-X-2012).

3.2: Extended options for sensitivity analysis, including total T4 and T3 levels, TBG
and TBPA; bug fixes (SVN commits r108 to r112, 27-IX-2012).

3.2 Snapshot 20120925: Export options for plots in several file formats, improved
clipboard support, DIF file export option, new function to calculate predicted equilibrium values without running a full simulation, user interface improvements and numerous bug fixes (SVN commits r83 to r107, 25-IX-2012).

Milestone 3.1 (Hyperborea)

Introduction of two methods of sensitivity analysis.

3.1.1: New function to determine portal TRH level, bug fixes (SVN commits r80 to r82,

3.1.1 Snapshot 20120717: Only Snapshot of SimThyr 3.1.1, nearly identical to final
version 3.1.1 (SVN commits r76 to r79, 17-VII-2012).

3.1: Final version 3.1 with some additions and fixes to the last snapshot, including
custom colours for tornado plots. (SVN commits r74 and r75, 31-V-2012).

3.1 Snapshot 20120518: More structure parameters for sensitivity analysis, flexible
legend position in tornado plot. (SVN commit r73, 18-V-2012).

3.1 Snapshot 20120513: Bug fix for tornado plot calculations (SVN commit r72,

3.1 Snapshot 20120512: First working tornado plot implementation (SVN commits r67 to
r71, 12-V-2012).

3.1 Snapshot 20120509: Bug fixes (SVN commits r65 and r66, 09-V-2012).

3.1 Snapshot 20120507: Adds flexible boundaries of independent variable in one-way
sensitivity analysis (SVN commits r58 to r64, 07-V-2012).

3.1 Snapshot 20120501: Fixed a bug that prevented one-way sensitivity plots from being
drawn on Windows 2000 (SVN commit r57, 01-V-2012).

3.1 Snapshot 20120430: First partly working version of one-way sensitivity analysis
plot, additional bug fixes (SVN commits r44 to r56, 30-IV-2012).

Milestone 3.0 (Mirano)

SimThyr 3.0 is a new version for modern operating systems including Mac OS X, Windows and Linux, featuring multiple new features.

3.0: Final version 3.0 with some fixes and revisions compared to the last snapshot,
including advanced preferences handling and improved window arrangement (SVN commits r25 to r38, 06-XII-2011).

3.0 Snapshot 20111112: Adds advanced time formatting options for plots and result table
(SVN commits r22 to r24, 12-XI-2011).

3.0 Beta: Adds preferences for number formatting. Apart from that identical to snapshot
20111103 (08-XI-2011).

3.0 Snapshot 20111103: Numerous improvements and fixes, including handling different
measurement units and addressing simulation and GUI issues (SVN commits r9 to r19,
04-XI-2011). Expectedly, this will be the last snapshot before SimThyr Beta.

3.0 Snapshot 20111024: With respect to code identical to 20111023, but Mac version
packaged as self-contained application (23-X-2011).

3.0 Snapshot 20111023: Adds auto-coloring of parameters and optical marking of
selected chart in plot window (23-X-2011).

3.0 Snapshot 20111018: Fixes a bug that caused long-term simulations to crash
on Mac OS X, accelerates simulation, fixes table display flaws (18-X-2011).

3.0 Snapshot 20111014: Faster simulation by more efficient table handling (14-X-2011)

3.0 Snapshot 20111013: Bug fixes, introduction of notifier window (13-X-2011)

3.0 Snapshot 20111005: Bug fixes, introduction of preferences window (05-X-2011)

3.0 Snapshot 20110930: Bug fixes in plot routines, improved info window (30-IX-2011)

3.0 Snapshot 20110929: Bug fixes, introduction of TRH test and pregnancy effect

3.0 Alpha: First version with most intended functions that were planned for 3.0

3.0 Pre-Alpha: First preview of a new Version for Mac OS X and Windows.
Source code for Lazarus / Free Pascal (30-VIII-2011)

Milestone 2.0 (Siboto)

SimThyr 2.0 is the first publicly available version for classic Mac OS (Mac OS 6.0.7 to Mac OS 9.2.2).

2.0: First public version, available for Mac OS 6 to 9.
Source code for THINK Pascal (16-VIII-2002)

Milestone 1.0 (Skyrun)

Unpublished version for internal use.

1.0: Unpublished internal version (20-XI-2000), available for Mac OS 6 to 9.
Source code for THINK Pascal

Milestone 0.0 (Genesis)

Unpublished version for internal use.

10 Snapshots from 1997 to 2000 (made retrospectively available).
Older versions from 1994 to 1996 have not been archived.


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