
Question with Copy-Paste

  • Javier

    Javier - 2007-03-07


    Although there isn´t any messages in the forum I'll put it.

    First of all, congratulations for your work.

    If I copy text (i.e. a single word "hello") from a Web page
    and the i try to paste it, if the web page is in frames,
    the code html generated isn't

    It includes the word into various tables. I suppose it tries
    to simulate the original web page.

    Any ideas to changes this behaviour?



    • Dimitry Polivaev


      I have tried to paste some text from the right frame from using firefox and Windows 2000. I have not seen the reported problem.

      What site and what browser does produce it?


    • Javier

      Javier - 2007-03-08

      As you say, with Firefox there is no problem.

      However, I'm trying with Internet Explorer and Windows XP.

      Try the link , then copy the first words "You may have heard of Maven 2", and
      the paste generates the table tag:

          <div class="topline">
            <table cellpadding="2" id="main" width="100%" cellspacing="2" border="0">

                <td valign="top" width="100%">
                    You may have heard of Maven 2

      Any ideas to solve it with Internet Explorer?


      • Dimitry Polivaev

        I get the same results as you, because this text is placed inside of the table.
        To see it try following steps:

        1. Go to the specified page, select all (ctrl+A ? ), copy it and paste the whole page in the simplyhtml
        2. SimplyHTML->Misc->Show Element Tree
        3. Turn back to the editor window ans select the text "You may have heard of Maven 2"
        4. Look at the Element Tree window. You can see the element insife of its structure.

        I do not see any way to eliminate the table around this text.


    • Javier

      Javier - 2007-03-09

      At the moment, I'll use FireFox then.

      Thanks for your help.



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