
#29 Changes to Calendar Events


Name: Jos Purvis
Role: User

Hi! I really like Simple Groupware: I'm very impressed with the array of features available, and the interface is sharp and shows a lot of careful development.

Here's my feature request, a couple of changes to events in the Calendar that should make this both more useful and more flexible.

1) There is no differentiation on the calendar display between an event which recurs daily (e.g. a daily one-hour meeting) and an event which spans several days (e.g. a multi-day vacation). These are very different kinds of events, so it would be helpful to be able to tell them apart at sight. The usual way to do this is to create a banner for multi-day events: draw a single box over the days spanned, with one title. Something like this:
Recurring events look like this:
vs. Multi-day events look like this:

2) All-day events need to *not* have a time associated with them. By forcibly associating a time with an all-day event, it won't port properly between timezones. This means that if I create an all-day event on 2007-09-30, and then invite someone in a different timezone, the event should still show up as 2007-09-30/all day. If you create the event as 2007-09-30/12.00-11.59, then someone in a different timezone will see that event as spanning, e.g., 2007-09-30/03.00 to 2007-10-01/02.59.

I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about this; I'm very impressed with the system and will continue to follow development! Thanks!

--Jos Purvis (


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