
Simple Site Audit / Blog: Recent posts

Simple Site Audit - V1.4 Released

Thanks to Terry being a ninja coder, SSA 1.4 has now been released.

Below is a copy of the changelog from 1.1 to 1.4


Nick :)

*Form layout changed to accommodate a wider display of SSA log file.

*SSA log display was a simple copy of the SSA log file contents loaded
into a textarea. It is now displayed in a more user-friendly manner.

*The example form is no longer required. Instead, the real form will auto-fill
with example fields on when first run.... read more

Posted by Nick Smith 2012-04-20

Simple Site Audit - V1.1 Released

Due to illness it look me a bit longer to get V1.1 uploaded ... so apologies for that.

It's up and ready for downloading ...


Added the option to show/hide the example form, which actually consists of some read only text boxes and are copyable. It will now appear side by side with the real form.
The field, 'Directory being monitored' is now a drop-down menu that lists all directories in directoryToMonitor. So it's even easier to find the directory of your choice. On large sites this element can take several seconds to fully load.
Added an option to create a log file and a further option to clear it.
Confirmation responses appear under the buttons.... read more

Posted by Nick Smith 2012-03-01 Labels: ssa released v1.1

Simple Site Audit - V1.0 Released

After a delay of a couple of weeks, Version 1.0 of SimpleSiteAudit has now been released and is available for download on Sourceforge.

V1.1 is already in the works with some changes and improvements and will be available in a few days and hopefully will be the first version uploaded into the Mercurial repository.

So go and download your copy now ... what are you waiting for? ;)

Posted by Nick Smith 2012-02-18 Labels: v1.0 released