Jeremy Holovacs - 2011-07-17

The following settings are used by SRS to perform its functionality.

Connection Strings
If using the ADO implementation of the SRS (SimpleRoleSecurity.ADO), which is the default (you can implement the interfaces using different technologies if you choose), you will need a reference to the ADOSecurity connection string which will point at your SQL Server's SRS database.  If the Security Manager installation steps were followed, the connection string should look something like this:

<add name="ADOSecurity" connectionString="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SimpleRoleSecurity;User Id=SimpleRoleSecurity;Password=SRS#1234@zxy;"/>

This will be used a lot.  The account need execute permissions only on the target SRS database.

Application Settings
An integer indicating how long, in minutes, the security token will be good for.

The name of the superuser account.  The superuser automatically has access to all methods; it evaluates as having all roles.  This user is not accessible through the management console.  To disable superuser access, set this to a blank string.

The password of the superuser account.  If this is blank, the superuser will not be able to log in.

When using IIS Express, the HTTPS port will be somewhat dynamic, and difficult to code to.  Put the port number of the HTTPS channel in here and the HTTPS redirect should work like a champ.  If you are going to the default port, you can omit this setting or set it to -1.

(Not well tested) This will allow you to use the other features of the SRS without having a secure connection.  This is not recommended to use in production, as it allows sending your security token and credentials over the internet in cleartext; kinda defeats the purpose of having a security system in place.