
#8 Simple Captcha

Dennis M

Hey I found a bug in your project. In SimpleCaptchaServlet, you have to swap the last two line. You need to create your session before sending the picture :
req.getSession().setAttribute(NAME, captcha);
CaptchaServletUtil.writeImage(resp, captcha.getImage());

You didn't make the mistake for the ChineseCaptchaServlet and the Sticky one...

But great job, your project is very useful !


  • James Childers

    James Childers - 2009-05-29
    • assigned_to: nobody --> dennis2681
  • Dennis M

    Dennis M - 2009-06-01

    Does this really make any difference? I tested the current code and it seems to work fine unless I'm missing something...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    It doesn't work fine...!!!

    I tested it with Tomcat v6, and java throwed me an java.lang.IllegalStateException : not possible to create a session after the reponse has been send...

    Then I swaped the two lines, as I explained above.

    This really makes a difference, because without that, the server doesn't send a JSESSIONID to the client !!!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    """CaptchaServletUtil.writeImage(resp, captcha.getImage()); """ sends data to the client,
    but your web server needs to be aware that you want to send these datas with a jsession id.

    The only solution, is to write req.getSession().setAttribute(NAME, captcha); before sending datas.

  • Dennis M

    Dennis M - 2009-06-05

    Ok, fair enough. What version of Tomcat are you using? I'm using Tomcat 6.0.14 and I do not see this issue.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm using Tomcat 6.0.18 (on Windows)

  • Lars Herschke

    Lars Herschke - 2015-06-11

    I think it's because the following Tomcat-bug

    The swap of the two lines was sufficient for me.


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