
WeBid - auction script / News: Recent posts


Sorry for the downtime again.
If you need support you can get it for now at


Posted by Renlok 2009-09-06

Major security threat

You are highly recommend to upgrade to the latest version of WeBid (0.7.3) as a major security issue has been fixed.

Posted by Renlok 2009-03-13

Version 0.7.2

If your using WeBid I recommend you upgrade to 0.7.2 over the last 2 months me and the team of testers have been working hard to make this a really good, bug free release.

Posted by Renlok 2009-01-17

Version 0.6

ok i messed up the install file in 0.6
you can find the fix for it

Posted by Renlok 2008-10-23


Just a note for the next release im going to recode alot of the script as its pretty badly codded tbh. so it may a while but i think the result will be much better.

Posted by Renlok 2008-10-05


OK obviously my last claim of removing all the bugs was complete crap. Well now for the newest release (v0.5.5) they IS one known error, the admin categories page doesn't work. Other than that ive fixed all the bugs myself and others have found also ive fixed various security risks ive found posting around the net.

So im going to work on fixing the categories thing then im going to wait to see the feedback from this release if its any good i may start on work with integrating paypal

Posted by Renlok 2008-09-17

all bugs squashed?

ok for this release (v0.5.3) ive tried my best to finally get rid of every last bug before i start add new really cool features.

Posted by Renlok 2008-07-20

First release

yeah, OK I completely forgot about this project until a few months ago but here's the first release v0.5. It's not fantastically coded, but I'll try to clean it up allot for the next release.

Also here's a demo site:

Posted by Renlok 2008-04-26

starting the coding phaze

ok ive started with the coding. May go slower than planned as im busy alot of the time but ill be trying my best.

the programme will be tested on to being with, later be hosted on here once partly coded.

Posted by Renlok 2006-11-06