
Feature Requests  Maximize  Restore

Showing 20 results of 20

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated Priority
24 Enable Simple with bundle representation for OSGi systems Next Release (example) open 2014-05-20 2014-05-20 5  
23 Support for CDATA end (]]>) "literal" in string Next Release (example) open 2014-02-22 2014-02-22 5  
22 Support @Convert on @Attribute members Next Release (example) open 2013-09-11 2013-09-11 5  
21 Add @Documented annotation to Simple annotations None open 2013-03-31 2013-03-31 5  
20 Customizable Date and Number Transform classes None open 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 5  
19 Add parent-annotation. None open 2011-12-12 2011-12-12 5  
18 Use name from @Root None open 2011-04-20 2011-04-20 5  
17 inline for Element None open 2011-04-19 2011-04-19 5  
16 Namespace prefix handling None open 2011-02-23 2011-02-23 5  
15 Throw particular exception instead of java.lang.Exception None open 2010-08-31 2010-08-31 5  
14 @Text Trim Whitespace None open 2010-07-23 2010-07-23 5  
13 Provide for optional JSR-303 Bean Validation None open 2010-05-05 2010-05-05 5  
12 Add a JPA Strategy None open 2010-05-05 2010-05-05 8  
11 Allow deserialization of empty optional elements None open 2009-12-08 2009-12-08 5  
10 Please allow for setting a custom class loader for deseriali None open 2009-03-13 2009-03-13 5  
9 Allow DTD generation None open 2009-01-21 2009-01-21 4  
8 Allow adding comments None open 2009-01-21 2009-01-21 5  
7 Improve Exception Classes None open 2009-01-16 2009-01-16 5  
6 Capitalization or not capitalization None open 2008-06-10 2008-06-10 5  
5 subtype featue request None open 2007-08-22 2007-08-22 5  
  • Ticket Number
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