
Signum Invenio's WEBSERVER / News: Recent posts

DS v3.3.4 released

Another version, added some usefull tools and removed some bugs in the HTML designer. We tend to say that this is the final version for 2005 but with the holidays in forsight some additions and debugging can't be ruled out. ;-) \/ Peace! Mezzo.

Posted by Signum Invenio 2005-12-16

DS v3.2.4 released

2 major connection bugs resolved and SP6 implemented. Did you have frequent connection troubles? Download this updated version to get rid of it.

Posted by Signum Invenio 2005-12-12

Feedback wanted

Hi VB dudes,
After installation, evaluation or any other thing you do with this project I would like to hear your opinion. I know a few programmers that created some great stuff using Signum Invenio Webserver. They also know that I fix things they run into. So, Let's keep in touch! ;-) Mezzo.

Posted by Signum Invenio 2005-11-26

What to download

The latest installer is DSv3_3_4.msi and the source is contained in

The program (msi release) is compiled using SP6. If SP versions are conflicting, please drop me a line... ;-) Mezzo.

Posted by Signum Invenio 2005-11-25

VB Service packs

Any VB6 programmer knows that SP5 (for VB/Visual Studio) needs to be installed avoiding trouble. To dodge it even better I'll advice you to install SP6 for Visual Studio. Some winsock bugs have been resolved and it will result in a more stable and most of all save server. As the main programmer of the code, i've checked over and over that the source does not contain security glitches. To my knowledge; it doesn't. However the source is using dll's and other external objects subject to buffer-overflow. I strongly advice you to install SP6. May the great spirits be with us ;-) Mezzo.

Posted by Signum Invenio 2005-11-25