
showlister / News: Recent posts

Showlister development resumes

Development of showlister (sL) has resumed. We are currently working through the CVS to clean up the code base. A new release will be available late Q3 or early Q4 of 2006. We will be working toward our 1.0 release. Stay tuned...

Posted by James E. Martin 2006-07-31


Due to the intrusion of other more pressing concerns, the SL development team is on hiatus. Questions are always welcome, though, so please don't hesitate to contact us through the SL-users mailing list.

If you are a Showlister fan and would like to have your site featured in the showlister spotlight (pagerank is pagerank, right?) drop us a line with an image that you feel best represents the look of your site, and we can throw you in the rotation. ... read more

Posted by Joshua Estell 2005-09-21

Spankin' New SF Site

Here it is, folks -- the moment umm, three of us have been waiting for. Minus some backend scripting for the "I Power Showlister" contraption, the site is all here. Work on the latest release of SL continues at a brisk pace, and, without getting specific, a new version should be here within the next few months. Anyone interested in checking out the beta can do so at (user:admin password:admin). For news on the upcoming release, or to ask questions of the team about current issues you might be having with the .0x version, please take a minute to join the SL users maling list. ... read more

Posted by Joshua Estell 2005-08-06

showlister is not dead

It has been a long while since the last file release, but showlister is still very much alive. In fact, we've added two members to the development team. Josh, of, will be adding his web design kung-fu and James, of, has joined us as a developer. There's not yet a timetable for the next release, but expect something soon.

Posted by James E. Martin 2005-07-19

showlister .04b released

The .04b release of Showlister includes minor fixes and feature enhancements to the admin interface and sample pages. Showlister .04b has been tested against PHP5 and MySQL 4.

Posted by James E. Martin 2004-12-10

showlister .03b released

showlister .03b fixes an SQL typo in the installation instructions and a problem handling apostrophes in text fields of the editing interface. We've included a new sample page demonstrating how to include show details on a seperate line, which is good for sites which require long descriptions of shows/events.

Posted by James E. Martin 2004-01-26

showlister .02b released

showlister .02b is now availible with support for multiple bands/artists. A directory of sample pages has been included to demonstrate different ways to pull show and artist data for use on your website. We have made the upgrade path easy for existing users.

Showlister is a really simple content management system (CMS) for bands, public speakers, performers, entertainers, or anyone else who needs to maintain a performance calendar online. Rather than having to deal with your web site maintainer, you simply log in to a password-protected page on your site and enter/edit/delete your shows via a forms-based interface. Then you include some php code in your 'shows' page (or use the demo code that comes with the app) so it will always pull your upcoming shows directly from the MySQL database. ... read more

Posted by James E. Martin 2003-08-11

ideas for the next showlister version

I've had a few requests recently for a version of showlister that can handle listings for more than one band, stored in the same database. I currently have a work derived from the showlister code which does this, and it will be integrated into the next version of showlister (02b).

Posted by James E. Martin 2003-05-29

Squashing bugs

A showlister user has identified a few minor bugs that I'm fixing. Expect a revised release this weekend.

Posted by James E. Martin 2003-02-27

showlister .01b released

The initial release of showlister (.01b) is now availible for download. Showlister is a PHP/MySQL content management system for managing performance calendars of bands, speakers and other performers.

I hope you enjoy it. It's simple but fully functional. Please download it and let me know what additions you would find useful. I am planning a PHP-GTK interface for it.

Posted by James E. Martin 2003-01-19

Expect a showlister beta this weekend

I spent a few hours last night on showlister and now have the edit and delete interface finished. All that's lacking is the edit interface and a few more additions to the readme. Beta release .01b will launch this weekend.

Posted by James E. Martin 2003-01-17