
Programming in JSHOP2

  • accenture

    accenture - 2005-08-24

    The text files with the domain, situation and task usually interpreted and transformed into Java classes, which are later compiled and so on.

    My question is, would it be possible to programm domains and problems directly in Java? Theoretically yes, I'd say. But is there any documentation how? Besides the API documentation.

    I tried to programm my things directly in Java using the the resulting Java classes from the interpretation, but with little luck.

    Is there any manual there, how to programm JSHOP2 manually?


    • Okhtay Ilghami

      Okhtay Ilghami - 2005-08-27

      Hi there,

      Well, I am not sure what you mean. If you want to program directly in java, why not bypass JSHOP2? JSHOP2 is meant as a kind of a "programming language". All it does is it gets a domain description and compiles it to a java program. Maybe if you can explain more what exactly you want to do and what exactly you'd like JSHOP2 to do for you I can help you better.

      Anyway, the resulting java classes of JSHOP2 are not meant to be human-readable, just efficient. I think it would be very hard even for me to change them after compilation.

  • ali

    ali - 2013-03-18

    how i ca sort values by sort-by in jshop2
    (conn a b 1) conn(a c 2)  cost of a to b is less the a to c.  how i can do it by  (:sort-by that is pick the value 1 (cost having less valus).

  • Robert P. Goldman

    I'm afraid that the Java version of SHOP is simply dead, as far as I can tell.

    If you are interested in the Lisp version I could help, but otherwise you are on your own, sorry - no one has shown any interest in maintaining JSHOP.


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