
Evolution on Vista

  • AtzeAckermann

    AtzeAckermann - 2007-02-08

    Hi there,

    I tried Evolution 2.6.2-5 on Windows Vista, but it didn´t worked:

    "Your system configuration does not match your Evolution configuration"

    What is wrong?



    • padapa

      padapa - 2007-02-19

      Me to! ... Just got a new system with Vista on it and got the same results.  It pushes the dialog box three times and then another offering you the opportunity to quit. 

      Help ... I really want to use Evolution when I boot to either Linux or Vista on this system.



      • Marcos Pinto

        Marcos Pinto - 2007-02-19

        i'm the guy who made the installer...unfortunately i dont have vista to test/develop on, so you're on your own.  sorry about that.  from what i read, an awful lot of things arent compatible with vista.  good luck.  when i get some extra money i'll eventually upgrade and then i'll look into porting evolution to vista.  thanks

        • funihao

          funihao - 2007-02-20

          I had installed with the "installer" in two PC XP SP2. In new and clean machine Evolution runs without problems, but in the dirty (with too much aplications installed) I had the following error: "Your system configuration does not match your Evolution configuration".

          Afterwards, is not alone problem for Vista.

          In PC with problem I had installed CGYWIN, GNUWIN32, PHYTON for windows.

          thanks to all

    • padapa

      padapa - 2007-02-19

      Marcos, what testing can I do on you behalf? I can capture data, runs test and modify the install, forwarding it all to you ... consider me your Vista "proxy" :)

      What installer did you use?


    • padapa

      padapa - 2007-02-19

      BTW ... if you follow the details button on the failure dialog, it links to the following page.

      And shows at the top of the page:

      What does "Your system configuration does not match your Evolution configuration" mean?

      This means that the system configuration is not what it should be for the application to run well. To fix this, 1) evolution --force-shutdown 2) pkill evolution 3) export BONOBO_ACTIVATION_PATH=<your-build-prefix>/lib/bonobo/servers 4) run evolution again.

      How do I interpret this into a Windowsism?


    • padapa

      padapa - 2007-02-19

      I opened a command line dialog and CD to c:\Program Files\evolution\bin.
      Then I manually ran the evolution executable "evolution-2.6.exe"
      This brings up a dialog "Unable to Locate Component" "libevolution-calendar.dll" that is missing from the bin directory.

      Then the "Cannot start Evolution" dialog.

      Hope this helps find the issue so I can run Evolution with Vista.


    • Marcos Pinto

      Marcos Pinto - 2007-03-09

      padapa...could you try the new 2.8.2 installer on vista?  let us know

    • cRoW2k

      cRoW2k - 2007-03-09

      It doesn't work on Vista. Same error

    • Mystakill

      Mystakill - 2007-03-11

      Ditto with 2.8.2-2.


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