
GLib error

John J
  • John J

    John J - 2006-06-22

    Hi. I'm getting the following error with the latest (-4) installer:

    GLib-ERROR **: gmem.c172: failed to allocate 1073741824 bytes aborting...

    winxp-pro-sp2 with updates.

    Any ideas?


    • John J

      John J - 2006-06-22

      oh yeah...I should probably mention that I'm attempting to connect to a MSExchange server. Which kinda works. I connect, and get all my email folders, but no email shows up.

      And now I get this error:
      camel-exchange-provider-ERROR **: file camel-exchange-store.c: line 1083 (stub_notification): should not be reached

      hitting OK kills evolution.


    • Joel Gray

      Joel Gray - 2006-06-22

      can you give an example of your exchange settings?  That seems to be a big problem for a lot of folks, including myself.  :)

    • John J

      John J - 2006-06-23

      just standard settings:
      server type: MSexchange
      username: myname
      OWA URL: http://usilcoex003/exchange/
      secure password

      global catalog server name:

      and actually, evolution does tell me correctly that I have 6 new messages. i just can't see them.

      I do have GIMP and ghostscript installed, as well.

      Are these the only places evo leaves files:
      C:\Documents and Settings\name\.evolution
      C:\Documents and Settings\name\Local Settings\Temp\.exchange-name
      C:\Program Files\Evolution
      C:\Documents and Settings\jjablonski\.gnome2_private


    • Levi Bard

      Levi Bard - 2006-06-26

      I'm having a similar experience.

      server type: MSExchange
      username: lbard
      OWA URL: http://mail.employersdomain.tld/exchange
      (happens with both secure and plaintext password)

      Behavior improved quite a bit when I cleaned up my folders on the server (I previously had a lot of messages; now I've archived everything older than this week). 

      Now the most frequent problem is that evolution and evolution-exchange-storage will each ramp up to 50% cpu and (apparently) hang, at seemingly random times.

    • John J

      John J - 2006-07-06

      i'm still getting the same Glib error and then crash with 2.6.2-5.



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