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Slowing down

Currently, the code is a capable single-tab browser that doesn't crash.

My question was, "is this enough?".
I would have liked to implement tabs and keyboard shortcuts. However, considering the purpose of the project, I think I will stop here.

If someone really badly wants those features, feel free to contact me.

I'm putting the project in "Alpha" because there well may be bugs which I will attempt to seed out.

Posted by Shingetsu Kurai 2012-10-07

Everything Begins Once

Hello all.

As you probably know from the summary, I'm aiming this at both minimalist and advanced users (though the two often come together).

This is a browser implemented in python with pywebkitgtk and pygtk.
This (theoretically) allows the program to run in any environment supported by python. Official support will only exist for linux however. (The BSDs can use the linux support variant as well as the "source tarball", if such a thing can exist in python)... read more

Posted by Shingetsu Kurai 2012-09-25