sly44 - 2007-05-09

I’m a beginner in SharpCVSlib, I would like to connect to my CVS Server and make a list of all directories (modules ?) exists in my repository. I can’t see how I have to do !

I had write this :

CvsRoot rootCVS = new CvsRoot(":pserver:spiau@sldbe3a:/app/projetsCVS/be");
WorkingDirectory workingdirectory = new WorkingDirectory(rootCVS, "D:\\Test", "test11");

CVSServerConnection cnxCVS = new CVSServerConnection(workingdirectory);

cnxCVS.Connect(workingdirectory, "mypassword");

cnxCVS.SubmitRequest(new ArgumentRequest(workingdirectory.ModuleName));
cnxCVS.SubmitRequest(new DirectoryRequest(".", workingdirectory.CvsRoot.CvsRepository + "/" + workingdirectory.ModuleName));

cnxCVS.SubmitRequest (new ListRequest());

I don’t know if it’s the best way to do… ?

At the last line, the program crash and I have to do “Ctrl-Alt-Suppr” !! I don’t know why ?

Is someone can help me ?

Thank you very much.
