Sasa Bojanic - 2015-08-07


a new version of Enhydra Shark is released and available for download from

Main changes:

  • The most of LDAP utility code moved to TLL project (code re-factored to use this functionality from TLL)
  • Kernel:
  • Fixed (typo) bug in kernel in WAPIImpl.getProcessInstanceAttribute() (side-effect was that the email document attachments were not send in TXW XPDL samples)
  • Now output parameters of asynchronous sub-process are put back into the main process right after sub-process is instantiated (on transaction end)
  • Improved XPIL handler - when returning information about sub-flow process, now it also returns information about its requester activity
  • New system properties introduced (shark_process_definition_description, shark_process_definition_priority, shark_activity_definition_description, shark_activity_definition_priority, shark_xpdl_name and shark_xpdl_description)
  • Now possible to catch exceptions (or handle it by ErrorHandler) for manual activities
  • Introduced new AdminMisc API methods to retrieve only the count of ProcessDefinition/Resource/Process/Activity/Assignment objects based on a given filter
  • Introduced new PersistentManager API methods to retrieve only the count of ProcessDefinition/Resource/Process/Activity/Assignment objects based on a given filter
  • AdminMiscExt: API method getRunningToolagentActivities() changed to getRunningActivitiesWithoutAssignee()
  • XPILHandler: support for get only running toolagent activities now changed to get running activities without assignee (which covers tool agent activities + manual activities without assignee)
  • XPDLBrowserImpl - now when sorting entities by Package (internal) version, handling version as number.
  • WMEntity API structure extended with description attribute
  • Introduced manual activities which can be auto-completed (if activity definition has special extended attribute AUTO_COMPLETION with value 'true' it will be completed immediately after started) - such activities can be used just to send email to user (if SMTP event audit manager is configured) without appearing in his worklist
  • Implemented shark-kernel translation mechanism:
  • Support of i18n variables:
    • Introduced concept of i18n variables: extended attributes with a certain prefix which are considered to be variables that are translated at runtime
    • AdminMiscExt API extended with method getXPDLExtendedAttributeI18NVariables
    • WfExecutionObjectInternal API extended with method getI18NContext()
  • new configuration entry "SharkKernel.pathToI18NFilesRootFolder" to specify path to the root folder where I18N files will be stored
  • new configuration entry "SharkKernel.i18n_lang_code=en_GB" to specify default language code for i18n translations (can be overridden by process variable "i18n_lang_code")
  • AdminMisc API extended with following i18n methods: translateKey and clearLanguageCache
  • AdminMiscExt API extended with following methods: translatePackage, translateWorkflowProcess,translateActivity,translateVariable and translateKeyForProcess
  • test-JavaScript.xpdl modified to use new i18n related extended attributes in basic and Game process definitions:
    • I18N_XPDL_FOLDER_NAME (Package level),
    • I18N_PROCESS_DEFINITION_FILE_NAME (WorkflowProcess level),
    • I18N_NAME_TRANSLATION_KEY and I18N_DESCRIPTION_TRANSLATION_KEY (Package, WorkflowProcess, Activity and DataField level)
  • Provided sample i18n files for basic and Game process definitions (distribution procedure changed to deliver this file into the predefine output folder) and default package/system translation sample files
  • XPIL extended to have requester activity/process Id information for the sub-flow processes (supported in kernel)
  • ToolAgent "ExecuteSQLTool" renamed to "ExecuteSQLToolAgent", improved and documented
  • ToolAgent "LDAPToolAgent" improved according to the changes in LDAPClientInterface
  • Fix in BshToolAgent and JavaScriptToolAgent - there was an issue when process context contained variables defined in XPDL as Date
  • BshToolAgent and JavaScriptToolAgent can now use ALL activity context variables in their scripts
  • Improved Mail Tool Agent - now it respects extended attribute MAIL_TOOL_AGENT_SEND_EXECUTION_MODE
  • Improved SOAPToolAgent:
  • Now "operationName" position is not important (doesn't need to be the 1st parameter)
  • URL to WebService WSDL file is now defined by another formal parameter "url" (before it was defined by extended attribute "AppName")
  • Introduced two optional parameters "webservice_uname" and "webservice_passwd" which should be used in the case WEB service needs authentication (the position of the parameters is not important)
  • New TXWToolAgent for using TXW Web Service is now part of distribution
  • Bug fix in UserGroupToolAgent and LDAPToolAgent - the variable with empty Id was created each time tool agents are called
  • Re-factored code of various tool agents to use constants from JaWE's SharkConstants class
  • Re-factored code of various kernel classes to use constants from JaWE's SharkConstants class
  • SMTPDeadlineHandler, SMTPLimitHandler and SMTPNewProcFilSysLogErrorHandler extended with possibility to specify the recipient of the email as a reference to the string variable. This variable holds information of the group/user that should receive email
  • SMTPEventAuditManager improved so it can handle group emails in the case performer of the activity is NOT XPDL Participant but variable that specifies group
  • Fix in DODSReportingEventAuditManager: when array variable is not stored as BLOB, it didn't properly implement the logic in restoreProcessHistory and restoreActivityHistory methods
  • Code re-factored to use system property constants from JaWE's SharkConstants class
  • Improvement for RepositoryManager (fix for Java8 issues provided by Vjecheslav)
  • DefaultMailMessageHandler improvement: replacing \n with \t\n in email content to solve issue of outlook removing linebreaks
  • Swing admin:
  • GUI for managing running tool agent activities now also manages running manual activites without assignee
  • Now possible to update single variable when administering process/activity
  • Package management: now possible to terminate/delete all processes from the selected package version
  • Implemented posibility to clear i18n cache from Repository management section
  • Using new translation mechanism for Worklist part
  • WebClient:
  • Fixed bug related to uploading of XPDLs via Repository management
  • improved L&F for process details
  • introduced possibility to have language translation for Details page
  • Fixed bug related to category list (category list didn't show categories which are not in the current XPDL version - categories from activities in worklist which are based on old XPDL versions)
  • Fixed: conversion of HTML5 form into process variables (the \ character in the variable value was not properly handled)
  • Code re-factored to use system property constants from JaWE's SharkConstants class
  • Introduced new extended attribute for activity - FORM_PAGE_URL. When specified, custom URL specified by its value will be used to display activity detail form.
  • Now it is possible to submit-back from the form defined by FORM_PAGE_URL ext. attribute back to Web Client
  • Fix in SharkUtils.findNextActivity() to make form continuation working (the filter for the process id was removed)
  • Changed HTML5 form syntax (instead of ACTIVITY#Id, PROCESS#Id, ...we now use shark_activity_id, shark_process_id, ...)
  • Improved "form continuation" behaviour - when working as another user not checking for continuation (it was partially implemented before)
  • New configuration in web.xml "SharkWebClient/I18NFilesPath" to specify the location of language files for SWC (before they were packed in the JAR file)
  • Utilized shark-kernel translation mechanism (first-draft) for generic activity details form
  • Improvement for SnapshotImageCreator (fix provided by Vjecheslav)
  • Improved ActivityHandlerPO - now possible to handle post requests with all types of form encodings (text/plain, application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data)
  • GUI for managing running tool agent activities now also manages running manual activities without assignee
  • Now possible to update single variable when administering process/activity
  • Package management: now possible to terminate/delete all processes from the selected package version
  • Process Monitor: now one can search for process by the part of the process Id (one don't need to provide the exact Id but just a part of it)
  • BACK button exists in generic forms if there is extended attribute for activity "BACK_ACTIVITY_DEFINITION"
  • If parameter "showFirstActiveIfPossible" exists in the request to activity detail page and its value is true, and if given activity is completed, WebClient will search for the first active activity within the same process for the same user and will display it instead of original one. If there are no active activities within the same process for the same user, client will be redirected to the worklist page.
  • Implemented possibility when submitting form to override original (XPDL) variable by providing the parameter which key is the same as the key (Id) of XPDL variable with additional suffix "~"
  • Code refactored to use DocumentManagementUtilities when handling documents wherever possible
  • Performance improvement
  • Cache management: now can manage SWC task cache + DocumentMetaInfo cache
  • Outlook sync: improved logic and performance
  • Implemented posibility to clear i18n cache from Repository management section
  • Using new AdminMisc API methods to retrieve only the count of ProcessDefinition/Process objects based on a given filter (NOTE: this greatly improves performance of process monitor/process list sections)

  • Updated:

  • TTM (Together Task Manager -,
  • TDM (Together Document Manager -,
  • TDV (Together Document Viewer -
  • and other Together products such as TCC, TFF, TLL

Also, a new version of our XPDL Editor, Enhydra JaWE, can be downloaded from
