
Windows 8.1 mixer volume setting not being remembered...

  • Ian

    Ian - 2015-10-31

    One of the nice things about more recent versions of Windows is the new built-in mixer that allows one to set different volume levels per app:

    These volume settings normally stick after reboots. However, for Shareport4w, any time a device connects, the volume levels are reset to maximum. Has anyone else ran into this problem? I've tried some of the solutions mentioned from Google such as deleting this registry key (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore) and rebooting, but that hasn't helped here.

  • Frank Friemel

    Frank Friemel - 2015-10-31

    The volume is being managed by your remote device (iPad, iPhone, iTunes) ... not by Shairport


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