
#321 Updated Italian language file for 18.03


. removed "s" for plural names(it'a a foreign grammatical rule, its use is reserved for special cases)
. fixed at line 66,165 "alternativi" instead of "alternati" to better express they are "additional", not "toggled". There's no exact match tough, so it could be left in english
. fixed the three dots missing at line 272
. fixed "ka" and double semicolon at line 371
. "memorizzare" substituted with "archiviare" as the first is generally used for to keep in mind something, the latter to both physical and digital file archives
. 478,479,483 it's a numerical result

1 Attachments


  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2018-03-16

    removed "s" for plural names(it'a a foreign grammatical rule, its use is reserved for special cases)

    I don't know about Italian.
    But try to explain more about these changes.
    Why 's' was used in previous version?
    Is it acceptable?
    And some example:
    Previous version:
    129 Links: it's number of links to file, for example, 5
    191 Link: it's name of link, for example, "a.txt"
    But it's same "Link" in both cases in your version.

  • Nicola Bressanin

    Italian words often get their plural by having the last letter changed in "i"(male plural) or "e"(female plural). With foreign terms the plural is either done on the italian word if there's a match (cat, cats -> gatto, gatti) or, in case of technical or non-matching terms, the s is just chopped as it isn't part of italian grammar, and the plural is suggested by the context(the italian adjective maintains the plural, see examples below).

    One good dog, three good dogs -> Un cane buono, tre cani buoni
    (because dog exists in italian)

    one oreo, three oreos -> un oreo, tre oreo
    one cpu, many cpus -> una cpu, molte cpu

    Link is tricky term, because it has an exact match, Collegamento, but in IT Link usage is so widespread that using Collegamento(Collegamenti for the plural) would be confusing. Then I went with Link.
    Hope I have been clear enough


    Last edit: Nicola Bressanin 2018-03-16
  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2018-03-16

    "Link" and "Links"
    We need different words (or small phrases) for different properties.
    With your file we can get such "bad" case:
    Link: 5
    Link: 6
    instead of "good":
    Link: 5
    Links: 6


    Last edit: Igor Pavlov 2018-03-16
  • Nicola Bressanin

    Got it. Can you explain with a small phrase each of the two fields? Thanks


    Last edit: Nicola Bressanin 2018-03-16
  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2018-03-16

    link - the link to another file or folder. For example, a.txt to b.txt
    links - the number of hard links.
    You can select both these columns in "7-Zip File Manager" file list with right mouse and look some examples of values.

  • Nicola Bressanin

    Can we use a word and a small phrase for the different properties?
    Something like Link and Link destination/content?

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2018-03-20

    Technically we can use any phrase.
    But it's better if it's short.
    That is why Link/Links are good.

  • Nicola Bressanin

    I'm thinking. We could do an exception for those two columns as plan B.

  • Nicola Bressanin

    I've thought about it, there are no short replacements. Link and Links could be left that way


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