
#1133 Support ALT+UpArrow keystroke to navigate up a level in the folder hierarchy

Drew Noakes

I recently switched from WinRAR and enjoying the 7-Zip File Manager so far. Thanks.

One usability feature that I feel is missing is that pressing ALT+UpArrow doesn't navigate to the parent folder. This keystroke is quite standard, being supported in both Windows Explorer and WinRAR.

I would be happy to investigate adding this feature to the code if that would help. Just let me know whether you'd accept the patch before I spend my time on it.


  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2013-01-15

    You can use "Backspace" to open parent folder.
    "Backspace" works also in WinRAR and in Windows explorer.
    7-Zip uses Alt+Up in 2-panel mode to open same folder in another panel.

  • Drew Noakes

    Drew Noakes - 2013-01-15

    Hey @Igor,

    Fair enough. I'd prefer it the way I expect it, of course. Is there any means to customise the key mapping? If not, then can this issue be merged into or renamed as such a feature request?

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2013-01-15

    No way to customise it.
    I don't plan to change it.
    Alt+Up is very useful in 2-panel mode.


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