
Compiling with VSC

  • Ben Whitman

    Ben Whitman - 2007-12-04

    woops, i accidentally posted this in "open discussion" mistake. i realize it's hard to get people to take you seriously when you are first off asking a noobish question and then you go and do it in the wrong section to boot :P well anywho, here's a repost, so if anyone can help I'd be really grateful.

    i've done programming before, but never anything that dealt with compiling full projects, just individual programs from a single source file. i got VSC++ 6 and the SDK from the link in the readme file, but i can't for the life of me get it to compile. if someone could mebbe give a step-by-step for this, i know already that you compile each part separately, or at least that's what i gather, but i swear i've pored over this forum and google and all i can come up with is command-line compiling for linux. even just a tut on compiling just the main executable would be great, i'm sure i could figure it out from there.

    i'm looking into working on some stuff to improve portability, like temporary file associations while the flash drive is plugged in and stuff, mebbe play around with th file manager gui, and i'm also wanting to port to U3 for people with smart drives (they're awesome). i've already made a U3 package, but i basically just took the files from the install and made a really low-level U3 package that just basically amounts to a shortcut on the U3 launchpad and the ability to autorun when you plug it in. i'd like to make it run more smoothly by integrating some stuff like temporary filetype associations for when the flash drive is plugged in and then go back to the default when you unplug it, but that would require working with the source code, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    i've never used VSC before (i used bloodshed dev c++), so please just assume i know nothing, but to avoid being an annoying noob, i just need instructions for compiling one part and i can figure it out from there. i'm just lost with VSC. thanks a ton.

    • Ian

      Ian - 2007-12-17

      Hi Ben,

      to build everything you just need to type one command really. Assuming that you have the right Platform SDK.
      See my post bellow "help compiling on windows".
      I haven't managed to compile it myself though because I have the wrong SDK. I have put that on freeze for the time being. See if you can build it and please post here your experience.


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