
Encryption gone after editing file in archive

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi Everyone!
    I would be very happy if anybody could help me, please!

    The Problem:
    I put some .txt-files in a .7z-Archive, creating it as password-protected, and not solid (so that archive is able to be updated). When I open the archive, 7-Zip asks for password, I enter it, 7-Zip File-Manager opens, displaying the files (so far - so good). Then I doubleclick a .txt-file, it opens in Notepad, so I can (and do) edit it (good). When closing Notepad, it asks for saving changes, I choose "yes", immediatly after this 7-Zip informs me file has been modified should it be updated in the archive?, I choose yes, then close 7-Zip File-Manager. But after this, when I open the .7z-archive again, it doesn't ask for password anymore, but opens anyway! This is very bad, meaning the archive is not password protected anymore! (And I don't know to set a password again for that archive, so I would have to unpack and pack again files all the time (not good))
    (Additional Info: The editing of the .txt-file actually worked as expected, the changes are saved in the archive. I'm using WinXP SP2 (if that matters), and tried Versions 3.12 (very old) and 4.42 (newest) of 7-Zip. I created archive by selecting files, right click -> 7-Zip-Menu: Add to archive. Compression level: store. Encrypt file names: checked; tried also unchecked, but then same problem just with individual file, which I described here with whole archive.)

    Do YOU know how to fix this or what I'm doing wrong? If not, how would/do YOU work around this to achieve the desired result?

    Thanks for your patience and for trying to help!
    Have a nice day.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have the same problem, please can someone help ?

      I had an archive (cca 1GB) with both content and File names encryption and as I later added another files into the archive (Drag and Drop, W XP SP2), the File names encryption "disappeared". Although the password is needed for extracting, it is no more needed for viewing the archive.
      I just don´t want to recompress the entire 1GB archive. Thanks


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