
opening movie compressed with 7z

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    OK Im a lamer and I admit it... someone sent me a movie 7z compressed... only a short one... 3 files... I extracted it and it went to a folder with a 7 on it... but how the hell do I play it... nothing I have will run it... do I need to convert it with something... most of the stuff I have is rar and it just opens to an avi file and it plays... what am I doing wrong [not unusual for me]   or what am I missing.... looked through the info files and the forum but missed any mention of this... but then most people who come here know a little something of what they are talking about... wish I could say the same about me...

    Thanks for the help in advance


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello everyone,

      either I'm blind or you didn't mention the format of the files you extracted.
      If you really extracted them successfully out of a .7z-file, they need a player. But this has nothing to do with 7-Zip. Take MediaPlayerClassic or mplayer.
      If you unpacked them out of another archive-type (for instance .zip) and now they are on your harddrive in .7z-format you need 7-Zip to unpack them further.
      Please make more clear what we are talking about.

      Best regards!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      "Take MediaPlayerClassic or mplayer."

      Right. "MPLAYER" is better.

      Or VLC player.

      BTW: "a movie 7z compressed"

      It is a really BAD idea to "compress" a movie with an archiver :-(

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      seriously, why act stupid? He is saying that he got a movie that was compressed for the net delivery with 7zip... obviously it is a volume... how do u uncompress it to the one movie file?


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