
drag and drop support revisited

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  • Nobody/Anonymous

    With the introduction of Josh Harris' drag and drop patch , there is the possibility of incorporating this into the beta source tree. Assuming this has been considered, will Mr Pavlov be gracious enough to take a moment and update us on this prospect? It would most certainly be appreciated. -Marticus

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2005-01-28

      I don't want to care about D&D now. Actually I don't use D&D. So it's not too interesting feature for me.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        But some of us do. If the only thing you have to do is include the add-on in the installer, isn't that just 1 minute work?

        • Igor Pavlov

          Igor Pavlov - 2005-01-29

          It's not 1 minute. I can't include third-party code without full testing.

      • Dirk Stevenson

        Dirk Stevenson - 2005-01-29

        i hate to be the one to say this, but you are the most stubborn, myopic programmer i've ever encountered.


        when you design programs, you design them to be USED.  modern operating systems are predicated on the cohesion of dragging and dropping, so the omission from 7-zip is a critical flaw.  when using this program, it feels completely unintuitive.  why?  because it purposely prevents you from ustilizing an expected, basic OS feature.

        i've been watching the development of this program for at least two years, yet you keep giving us the same line about D&D.

        "it's not important to me"
        "it's not important to me"

        this is an enormous design flaw, and your obstenance proves that maybe programming this kind of software isn't for you.

        can someone take a page out of the firefox playbook, wrest control of this project, and turn it into a usable piece of software?  firefox does what few other OSS devs do...they think about the user, and not their egos.  how novel, right?

        you completely fail.

        • Igor Pavlov

          Igor Pavlov - 2005-01-29

          > maybe programming this kind of software isn't for you.

          Yes, D&D programming isn't for me.

        • Nobody/Anonymous


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      hmpf. It will may be good...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I also do not particularly want Drag 'n' Drop.
      It's not a needed feature. 7-Zip is fine as it is. Great program Igor

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Ugh, okay people, this is Igor's software.  If he isn't concerned about D&D, that's his business.  I'm sure he will get around to it eventually.  Besides there is already a "plugin" for drag and drop.  If you want drag and drop, use that.  And yeah it would be nice if it natively supported D&D, but we have no right to tell Igor how to design his own program for crying out loud.  These forums are for SUGGESTIONS, not DEMANDS.

      If you don't like 7-zip the way it is, use the "plugin" or just use something else.  Besides, there ARE programs that use the 7-zip format abd support drag and drop, if you don't like the plugin for some reason.  From what I hear, the plugin should be updated this weekend to work with 4.15b anyway.  You don't have to "wrest control" of this project.  Start another one and make a better GUI yourself!  I mean, it's open source - design a "better plugin" if you don't like the one that is available.  Sheesh...  there are plenty of alternatives already.  It's not like you have to abandon the 7z format if you use another program.  Go badger some other developer, because I believe Igor is more interested in stability at the moment - in my opinion, a worthy cause.

      Really, how greedy can people get?  The man is letting you use his software for free as it is, what more do you want?  Maybe if people donated a little more while asking for D&D, instead of outright demanding it, Igor would want to listen.  Personally, I don't blame him for not giving people like this what they want.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        What is this "plugin" you speak of and where can one find it? Google didn't provide much help.

        • Ares

          Ares - 2005-02-07

          Right now it only supports v4.13b, but he says he's working on one for the newest version.  Watch this thread, along with the recent postings on this forum.  Or use v4.13b for now.


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Its not  Igor's software - its Open Source Software ;)

        OSS means everybody is welcome to make a fork and add drag and drop...

    • my space

      my space - 2005-01-29

      If you don't like the GUI provided with the 7-zip package then try another GUI !

      go to, in the "External links",
      you can find another free GUI like TugZip or IZarc.

      As, I don't use Drag and Drop (when do you need it ? ;),
      I think that Igor Pavlov should focus on improving ratio compression
      (New compression methods for multimedia data) !

    • Nobody/Anonymous


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I completely agree that Igor SHOULD NOT HAVE DEMANDS MADE TO HIM to include this or that. The program is FREE with just donations being welcome, and in this case it's just ridiculous with some people on here saying that the ommission of Drag 'N' Drop is "an enormous design flaw". There are add-ons to 7-zip if you care enough to have drag and drop. I use 7-zip perfectly fine without drag 'n' drop...... it's not a needed feature

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      To D&D you must:

        navigate with explorer  to the folder containing the archive

        open the archive

        navigate  with explorer to the destination folder

        select the archived files of interest


      Otherwise you can :

        navigate in explorer to the folder containing the archive

        open the archive

        navigate in 7-zip second panel to the destination folder

        select the archived files of interest

        press F5 <Enter>

      This applies to  extraction but it is similar for the other way around.  

      So why D&D is better?  You do not even need to switch your hand from keyboard to mouse and back and saves you from carpal tunnel  syndrome.


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        > To D&D you must:
        > navigate with explorer to the destination folder

        I've already got that open.

        > Otherwise you can :
        > navigate in 7-zip second panel to the destination folder

        This is fiddly and can take quite a bit of time, especially to get to a deep directory.


    • Josh Harris

      Josh Harris - 2005-01-31

      I agree completely with Igor.  I don't include third party code in my software without first testing it myself.

      And yes, I agree that programs are designed to be used.  I certainly can't speak for Igor on this, but I write software for my own personal use and so this means I add in features that I want to use.  And then, on the chance that someone else might find my programs useful, I have released some of them to the public as a courtesy.  If a user of my free software requests a feature it possibly gets added to a ToDo list sorted by priority based on features that I would use.  And programming is just a hobby for me, I have a fulltime job and other interests so user requests are very low on my list.

      If Igor doesn't use drag & drop then it is easy to see why this is a low priority for him.

      While I would certainly be happy if Igor added drag & drop support, I am still extremely grateful to him for 7-Zip and especially the source code which allows us to make modifications based on our own set of priorities.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Why am I the only one complaing about the right click and extract option on EVERY file selected??? A problem that Mr Harris fix solves nicely. This has to be the single bigest bug in the software!

      Keep up the good work both of you!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      > To D&D you must:
      >> navigate with explorer to the destination folder 

      >I've already got that open.

      Then you navigated to it before ;-)
      >> Otherwise you can :

      >> navigate in 7-zip second panel to the destination folder

      >>This is fiddly and can take quite a bit of time, especially to get to a deep directory

      7-zip file manager panels work just like EXPLORER windows with regard to navigation:
      You can select icon view (big or small), list view, detail view: you can browse using the mouse, using the arrow keys or typing the first letters of the file/folder you are looking for and it will react just like EXPLORER does:

      use backspace to go to parent directory.

      there is also the opportunity to set 10 keyboard shortcuts to instantly reach the directories you use more often.

      I allow you that D&D may be faster in the only event  that you unzip some files on the Desktop which is open by default or in the dir that contains the archive and then "extract to .\archivename\&quot; Tab tab return would do for me;
      but all this for  temporary checkouts most of the time.

      This is my view on the subject and that is why I'd rather (relyable ) data recovery than GUI  improvement or even Multimedia compression.

      Cheers to all :-)


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      > To D&D you must:
      >> navigate with explorer to the destination folder 

      >I've already got that open.

      Then you navigated to it before ;-)
      >> Otherwise you can :

      >> navigate in 7-zip second panel to the destination folder

      >>This is fiddly and can take quite a bit of time, especially to get to a deep directory

      7-zip file manager panels work just like EXPLORER windows with regard to navigation:
      You can select icon view (big or small), list view, detail view: you can browse using the mouse, using the arrow keys or typing the first letters of the file/folder you are looking for and it will react just like EXPLORER does:

      use backspace to go to parent directory.

      there is also the opportunity to set 10 keyboard shortcuts to instantly reach the directories you use more often.

      I allow you that D&D may be faster in the only event  that you unzip some files on the Desktop which is open by default or in the dir that contains the archive and then "extract to .\archivename\&quot; Tab tab return would do for me;
      but all this for  temporary checkouts most of the time.

      This is my view on the subject and that is why I'd rather (relyable ) data recovery than GUI  improvement or even Multimedia compression.

      Cheers to all :-)


      PS: I Hope this does not become a double post since I had a problem sending it.
      Apologize in advance

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I sometimes use winrar, but i normally use 7zip to view the files, since winrar has a small bug in associations. Even if i choose to always ask before opening a file (to use my editor) if the file has a  html extension the asking window is bypassed and the "editor" it chooses is always IE. I *think* this is caused by lame integration in winrar of drag and drop. Just FYI so that this software doesn't fall to the same trap.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        In windows there can be a distinction between "edit" and "open" in the file association. A program like 7-zip can use that when asking the user what to do with a file.

        Does your setup has that for .html files?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yeah. Come to think of it, how dumb could they get to even think about drag and drop in the first place?
      To each his own and therefore I postulate that every program from now on should use it's own alternative for drag and drop.
      That would be the improvement all reasonable people have been waiting for allover the place.

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