
7-Zip 9.38 beta

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  • Ryan Clemens

    Ryan Clemens - 2015-01-29

    Can you fix up how it looks on high dpi screens? It looks quite blurry
    on a 1920x1080 15.6" screen.

  • thieg

    thieg - 2015-01-31

    7z a -m0=7zAES
    7z a -mm=7zAES
    gives different results?

    • Shell

      Shell - 2015-01-31

      It must be different "salt". From the interface level, the archives are the same.

  • Freddie

    Freddie - 2015-02-02

    Forgot to mention, can't open this zip...


    Last edit: Freddie 2015-02-02
    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2015-02-02

      Yes, there is error in headers in that ZIP.
      Probably next version of 7-Zip will open that archive.

  • manju_86

    manju_86 - 2015-02-06

    i've reviewed the pt-pt translation according to the en.ttt file present on the latest version (9.38) but 7-Zip doesn't seem to recognize my file...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-02-07

    when new version?

  • Greg

    Greg - 2015-02-12

    I'd like to request that an icon be added to the 7-Zip context menu item. This is where I right-click mouse on a file icon and the context menu appears. It would be great to have an icon against the 7-Zip.

    Thanks, Igor.

  • szfong

    szfong - 2015-02-15

    I'd like to request that an icon be added to the 7-Zip context menu item. This is where I right-click mouse on a file icon and the context menu appears. It would be great to have an icon against the 7-Zip.

    Yeah ALL the right-click mouse on a file icon on my system has a nice picture icon EXCEPT 7-Zip's TWO menus. One is "7-Zip" itself, and the other is "CRC SHA".

  • Evgeny Vrublevsky

    Thanks for very useful option "Eliminate duplication of root folder". But this option doesn't work when I choose directory name that doesn't coincide with root directory in archive. Can it be fixed?


    Last edit: Evgeny Vrublevsky 2015-02-19
  • hari.g

    hari.g - 2015-02-28

    Trying to extract files from this file at makes 7-zip 9.38 consume all available memory within some seconds thereby freezing the computer for me.

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2015-03-01

      Thanks for report!
      7-Zip doesn't work correctly with some files, if UPX is used.
      I'll fix that BUG.

  • szfong

    szfong - 2015-03-03

    Hi Igor,

    It's been promised that we'll be seeing more frequent betas. Now, it's been 2 months, any updates with all the bug fixes/enhancements for us fans of 7-Zip to test out on our systems?

    • heffeque

      heffeque - 2015-03-03

      If you're in a hurry feel free to donate money to him so as to give him an incentive and reward him for the work he puts in this project.

      • szfong

        szfong - 2015-03-03

        If you're in a hurry feel free to donate money to him so as to give him an incentive and reward him for the work he puts in this project.

        Maybe you should find someone else to lecture, oh, forgot, you don't have anyone who wants to be ever even be near you.... Learn to READ, there is nowhere in the "About.." OR in the homepage with a Donate button. "7-Zip is free software"... 7-Zip already does everything I need it to do, I just thought I can help by beta testing it more... Don't need someone like you with a smart-aleck comment to start a flame war...

  • hari.g

    hari.g - 2015-03-03

    Trying to open in 7-zip 9.38 gives an error that it is not an archive. Would it be possible for 7-zip to extract files from within such packages?

    • VictorVG

      VictorVG - 2015-03-03

      Putty and some program packed using Inno Setup installer can't unpack use 7-Zip. Use Inno Setup Unpacker ( for unpack this files. Learn them simply - in the properties file (see its version) is a comment line - "This installation was built with Inno Setup.". Use the latest version because unpacker Inno Setup container format can be changed in the new version.

  • dcev

    dcev - 2015-03-04
    1. Проблема при извлечении tar архивов. Если tar архив создан с --xattrs --acls (вместе или по отдельности) то 7zip видит кодировку как OEM, если без этих опций - то всё нормально, UTF-8.
    2. Если tar архив создан с флагом --listed-incremental= то при извлечении 7zip'ом - появляются левые папки с цифрами в которых разбросаны разные подпапки из основной директории
    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2015-03-05

      Please attach some small tar archive examples.

      • dcev

        dcev - 2015-03-05

        Команда создания:
        $ tar -v --totals --create --ignore-failed-read --one-file-system --xattrs --acls --sparse --use-compress-program="pxz -9e" --listed-incremental="/tmp/full_backup.tar__meta" --file="/tmp/2015-03-05-full_backup.tar.xz" --directory="/srv/hdd_data/data/test_share" "trash"

        Я заметил что на не всех папках с кириллицей такие глюки с кодировкой (если создавать архивы разных папок)

      • dcev

        dcev - 2015-03-05

        Без --xattrs --acls появляются папки с цифрами
        $ tar -v --totals --create --ignore-failed-read --one-file-system --sparse --use-compress-program="pxz -9e" --listed-incremental="/tmp/full_backup.tar_meta" --file="/tmp/2015-03-05-full_backup_noxattr.tar.xz" --directory="/srv/hdd_data/data/test_share" "trash"

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2015-03-05

    1) TAR reduces name in main header. So utf-8 sequence for last character was not correct. And 7-Zip doesn't understand that PAX header with full name.
    I'll try to fix utf-8 check code for such tars. But pax things will not work still.
    2) PAX is not unsupported still.

  • DIG

    DIG - 2015-03-15

    The feature to open 7z file with some garbage before the real 7z file content is no more available.
    How to do: Create any 7z file, open with some hex editor and add random bytes at begin of file (!= 7), try to open again.
    Until version 9.26, i can open that file directly with 7z, without re-edit file. I upgraded directly to 9.36 and now 9.38 and both have that same "problem"..
    Can re-implement this feature?

  • mussya

    mussya - 2015-03-17

    Игорь вопрос. А как в командном файле прописать настройки архивации, аналогиные скрину:
    Я часто архивирую видео файлы.
    вот пример командного файла, который я использую:

    for %%X in (.) do "C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe" a "%%~nX.7z" "%%X" -p123

    голову себе сломал уже :))))

    • Shell

      Shell - 2015-03-18

      7z a -mx9 -m0=lzma2:d192m:fb256 -ms1g -mmt5 -mhe+ -p123
      These settings are documented in the Help (Command Line Version -> Switches -> -m).

      However, I recommend -m0 (no compression) or -m1 with a small value for Fast Bytes, unless your video is uncompressed RGB/YUV (e.g. Fraps).


      Last edit: Shell 2015-03-18
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