
Direct Access Archive &Universal Image Format

  • mercury mercury

    mercury mercury - 2009-08-25

    Since there are 2 OPEN SOURCE programs created by Luigi Auriemma for DAA and UIF files maybe 7-zip can add this 2 popular formats to the supported formats

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2009-08-25

      I add support for new fomat, if It's popular, there is some specification or source code and/or if it's interesting for me by some reasons. I even didn't hear about these two formats.

    • mercury mercury

      mercury mercury - 2009-08-25

      those are the formats used by PowerISO and Magic ISO

  • Gvozden

    Gvozden - 2014-06-04

    Please add UIF support, today I confirmed it's still not in v. 9.32.

  • Gvozden

    Gvozden - 2015-02-09

    UIF still not supported in 7z 9.38.


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