
16.02 Windows GUI - filenames shortened too much

  • Dyn

    Dyn - 2016-05-30

    When adding to archive filenames and archive name is sometimes shortened too much. Not sure if this applies to earlier versions as well, just something i noticed over the past few days after upgrading to 16.02.

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2016-05-31

    What OS?
    Screen resolution settings?

    • Dyn

      Dyn - 2016-05-31

      Windows 8.1 64-bit, 1920x1080
      Not sure what exactly to do to reproduce it, it doesn't happen often, did try creating 3 archives now, and names were normally long. Will try to see what causes it and let you know. Perhaps it happens with only certain type of filenames.


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