Mario Alcaraz - 2017-07-12

Error: Unsupported compression method : Wrong Password?

Password tested as it open fine on Winzip.

File properties:

Central directory entry #1:


offset of local header from start of archive: 0 (00000000h) bytes
file system or operating system of origin: MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT
version of encoding software: 6.5
minimum file system compatibility required: MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT
minimum software version required to extract: 6.1
compression method: deflated
compression sub-type (deflation): normal
file security status: encrypted
extended local header: no
file last modified on (DOS date/time): 2017 Jun 21 10:15:00
32-bit CRC value (hex): c6966d41
compressed size: 14996 bytes
uncompressed size: 108544 bytes
length of filename: 18 characters
length of extra field: 76 bytes
length of file comment: 0 characters
disk number on which file begins: disk 1
apparent file type: binary
non-MSDOS external file attributes: 000000 hex
MS-DOS file attributes (20 hex): arc

The central-directory extra field contains:
- A subfield with ID 0x000a (PKWARE Win32) and 32 data bytes. The first
20 are: 00 00 00 00 01 00 18 00 3e cc 41 25 a1 ea d2 01 fb e5 3e 25.
- A subfield with ID 0x0017 (unknown) and 36 data bytes. The first
20 are: 02 00 10 66 00 01 03 41 01 00 00 00 04 80 14 00 3f bb 02 65.

There is no file comment.