
Support WIM images Windows 8.1 RTM

  • Zamorenov Maxim

    Zamorenov Maxim - 2014-01-27

    Hello, Igor Pavlov!
    And have not received your reply to the question, when will be available to support the opening of WIM files from the distribution of modern operating systems such as Windows 8.1 RTM. Unfortunately, the latest stable version of 7-zip for some reason does not open the install.wim from distribution Windows 8.1 RTM. When such a possibility to be realized?

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2014-01-27

    What about 7-Zip 9.32 alpha?

  • Zamorenov Maxim

    Zamorenov Maxim - 2014-01-27

    Thank"s you!


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