
#2029 Can't drag & drop files into a 7z archive anymore, or add them from the app's plus sign button.

Ed Kolis

I used to be able to drag & drop files into 7z archives, but now I can't anymore. I also can't click add when I open an archive and bring up the app screen; if I try to, it says "the operation is not supported".

I'm running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, and updated to the latest version of 7zip the other day, in case there was some issue that was previously addressed. I used to be able to do this on Windows 10, so I'm wondering if some Windows update perhaps broke it.


  • Ed Kolis

    Ed Kolis - 2017-01-02

    I can add files through the right click menu option "7-zip > Add to archive", at least. I mistyped the error when clicking the plus sign; it's "Operation is not supported.", without the "the".

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2017-01-03

    1) "Add" button works only for case, where you add "selected" items to some archiove.
    2) drag & drop must work. Check it again. And if it doesn't work, describe all actions in details.

  • Ed Kolis

    Ed Kolis - 2017-01-03
    1. How do I select files in the first place so the "add" button works? The only files shown in the UI are the files that are already in the archive.
    2. Here's what I do for drag & drop:

    a. Create an archive in some fashion (e.g. select files & add to archive via right click menu)
    b. Drag files onto the archive (in Explorer directly, without opening it and dragging into the 7zip window) - this used to work, but it doesn't anymore; now nothing happens.

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2017-01-03

    All operations in 7-zip are for selected items.
    "Add" button work so:
    Select files, press button "Add" and write archive name.
    So "Add" button adds selected files to some archive.

    If you want to add some files to open archive:
    1) switch in two panel mode.
    2) Select reqired files in second panel
    3) call "copy" operation.

    Probably drag & drop( as you describe) doesn't work and didn't work in past.
    So no change.

  • MatGin

    MatGin - 2017-06-08

    I confirm that I used to be able to add a file to an archive by just dragging the file on the archive. I don't know what happened last night (updates to our computers) but this morning I could'nt anymore.

    Found a way to get arround this issue by first dragging the file I wan't to add to an archive over the left panel of the Windows Explorer window (the part where you have the shortcuts , favorites, documents, computer, hard drives, networks ...) not letting go of the file there and coming back to the right panel, over the 7-zip archive and droping it. This is a workaround solution to what used to be a simple drag and drop before this morning.

    A fix would be nice !

  • Daniel C

    Daniel C - 2018-04-06

    In my experience, 7-Zip will let me drag+drop files to copy them into an archive window, as long as I've already copied at least one file out of said archive (since starting the 7-Zip window). It's an odd workaround, but it works for me. (OS: Windows 7 64-bit)


    Last edit: Daniel C 2018-04-06
  • Mahir Abrahim

    Mahir Abrahim - 2021-03-11

    A bit late to the game, but this is still an issue in 2021. If you want to be able to drag and drop files onto an existing zip file icon, then you'll need to setup windows to open zip files with Windows Explorer (File Explorer in Win10) instead of 7zip. This will cause Windows to open zip files like a folder instead of opening up the 7zip file manager. No need to open the zip file. Just drag and drop new files onto the icon. Mind you, this only works with files that Windows supports by default (zip, cab). Also, you can still use 7zip for creating new zip files.

  • Andreiu

    Andreiu - 2022-03-05

    This is also 2022 still an issue.
    Thank you @Mahir Abrahim for posting this information!
    Works fine.


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