
#1455 2 Warnings: There are some data after the end of the payload data


Using 7-Zip 9.35 beta (64-bit) under Windows 7 64-bit I try to test a rar archive with multiple volumes (right click on rar archive, choose 7-Zip, Test Archive) and I get the following error:

1 C:\Test.part1.rar
2 Warnings: There are some data after the end of the payload data

If I first open and then test the same rar archive (right click on rar archive, choose 7-Zip, Open archive, click on Test icon) I get no error.

Rar archive is created with WinRar 5.20 (64-bit) and archive format is Rar. I tried 700MB and 4481MB volume sizes and the same error appears. Error does not appear when I test with 7-Zip 9.20 (64-bit) or WinRar 5.20 (64-bit).


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  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2015-10-10

    parallel_studio_xe - checksum error in PE header.
    Some exe file uses checksums. Maybe they didn't update checksum when.they updated archive.

    What crc error do you have?

    7z x filename.exe -t* 2>errors.txt

    About ISO file.
    Now I see some bug in 7-Zip's ISO code. I'll fix it in next version.
    So please check that ISO with next version of 7-Zip, and notify me about results.

  • Acerola

    Acerola - 2015-10-10

    Using 2> produces an empty errors.txt. I'm guessing nothing comes out through stderr.
    Here is the file when redirecting with >

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2015-10-10

    So it's just WARNING = "Checksum error", and there is no "CRC Error" as you wrote before?

  • Acerola

    Acerola - 2015-10-10

    Yes, it is just checksum error. No CRC error.

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2015-10-10

      Then it's not big problem.
      Most exe files don't use that field in PE header.
      And windows probably ignores it.
      I don't know if there is another way (not by 7-Zip) to check that Checksum in PE file. If you know such way, you can try it to check that 7-Zip warning is valid.

  • Acerola

    Acerola - 2015-10-10

    Ok. Thank you.

  • testcy

    testcy - 2015-10-14

    I am not sure if it is the same problem but the warnings appear also with .exe archives. For example Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 3 ( With right click, 7-Zip, Open Archive and then Test it works fine, but with right click, 7-Zip, Test Archive the warnings appear.


    Last edit: testcy 2015-10-14
    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2015-10-14

      Yes, there are 14 bytes after cab archive in resources:
      FD FC FB FA - maybe some signature
      B2 B2 F1 15 - size of cab file
      00 DE 0B 00 - offset of cab file inside EXE file
      00 00 - maybe padding bytes

      But 7-Zip doesn't expect that additional data. So it shows warning.

  • testcy

    testcy - 2015-10-14

    Why are the warnings shown only when right click, 7-Zip, Test Archive and not when right click, 7-Zip, Open Archive and Test?

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2015-10-14

    It's warning of "Open" stage. You can see it if you press "Info" after "Open".
    There are no errors in files inside CAB. So test operation doesn't show any warning.

    7-Zip doesn't show "Open" stage warnings when you open archive, since these warnings and errors are not too important in most cases.

  • - 2016-03-30

    For your info: This error message still appears when using 7-zip 15.14 to test/decompress a 12-part RAR5 archive. (Rar5, Maximum compression, Solid archive, 256MB dictionary size.)

    The files extract just fine with WinRAR 5.31 and IZArc 4.1.2.


    Last edit: 2016-03-30
  • Pietro Cirrincione

    This issue is still present in current releases, for example all packages from give it because they have additional 11 bytes at the end of files (compressed by Info-ZIP), they are always "PK777001267", it is a magic number for zip files, a constant numerical or text value used to identify a file format, a file signature:
    Why 7-zip cannot recognize all such signatures for zip files?


    Last edit: Pietro Cirrincione 2018-01-23
    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2018-01-23

      PK77 - is not part of zip specification.
      I don't think that infozip adds that PK777001267.
      Please check it again, and try to find what software adds that additional data.

    • Michael Richey

      Michael Richey - 2018-01-23

      It's added by my website to combat piracy. The signature identifies the user who downloaded the zip file, so when I find it hosted elsewhere, I can direct my legal council to the correct person.

      The intended consumer of the zip files available on my website is the PHP ZipArchive class - which ignores the signature. You might have saved yourself a lot of time and effort if you had taken my earlier advise - and used something else to unzip it.

      Now that the cat's out of the bag, I will need to do something else to the zip files to identify the downloading user.

      Sorry Igor - this has nothing to do with your software.

      • Pietro Cirrincione

        I'm sorry to force you to change protection, however it only worked in 90% of the cases, but I really love to use 7-zip since long time and I cannot use something else.

  • Reynaldo Machado

    What i did so i did not get the error was to JUST open the package that i want to extract and than i mark all files that i want to extract and make a copy of them. I do not extract i do a copy.

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2018-01-24

      7-Zip file manager ignores warnings in "Open" stage.

  • Apolo de J. Araujo

    I still getting this problem! 2018 and nothing changed? 4 years with this problem!


    Last edit: Apolo de J. Araujo 2018-02-05
  • Arcan

    Arcan - 2018-04-21

    Same problem on version 18.01 (x64), happening with all the files in this site:,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da,Fi)/153216-download

    (you can try download that one and test).

    Important note: Those are 7zip files too!!

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