
Sedna 3.1 Released

We are pleased to announce a version 3.1 of the Sedna XML database system

New (since the previous release 3.0):

* Incremental hot backup   (Sedna Administration Guide, section 2.5.3 Hot Backup [1]);
* Rename collection statement  (Sedna Programming Guide, section 2.5.2 Managing Collections [2]);
* Bug fixes.

Important note:

Databases created with previous versions of Sedna will not work properly with Sedna 3.1.
Please, use Export/Import utility to migrate your data to Sedna 3.1 (see Sedna Administration Guide, section 2.5.1 Export/Import Utility [1]).

Links for details:

[1] Sedna Administration Guide,
[2] Sedna Programmer's Guide,

Posted by Ivan Shcheklein 2008-09-15

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