
PHP error-Only BASE Home page displays

  • Lance Forest

    Lance Forest - 2009-12-17

    I'm using Fedora 12, snort, barnyard2 1.7, php 5.3.1, and BASE 1.4.4. As the topic title indicates, only the BASE Home page displays. The BASE Home page is properly populated with alerts and there are no error messages in the mysql log. Any attempt to go to another page results in a blank web page and the following PHP Fatal error in the ssl error log:

       PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method ProtocolFieldCriteria::ProtocolFieldCriteria() in /var/www/html/base-1.4.4/includes/ on line 1113, referer:

    I'm have used all my skills to get to this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Kevin Johnson

    Kevin Johnson - 2009-12-17

    Please update from CVS as this has been fixed there.  This was caused by a change in PHP in 5.3.


  • Lance Forest

    Lance Forest - 2009-12-17

    Thanks for the quick response. Fixed.

  • slippryj

    slippryj - 2009-12-23

    Hey, I've got the exact same problem but I don't exactly understand how to "update from CVS"

    Can someone explain?

  • Lance Forest

    Lance Forest - 2009-12-24

    I do not know how to "update from CVS" either.
    However, the file that needs to be replaced is "". You download it from .

    Just replace the old file in BASE on your system.

    Hope this helps.



  • Juergen Leising

    Juergen Leising - 2009-12-24

    Sure. You might have to install a "cvs client".  Then you can retrieve the CVS version of BASE as described here (anonymous access):


    The CVS version of BASE can then be found under base-php4, although most people are already using php5.

    Bye, bye


  • slippryj

    slippryj - 2009-12-24

    Phenomenal! Thanks for the help, now I can see all the false positives I get to clean up.


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