
Multiple DB and BASE instances

  • Volkov

    Volkov - 2009-04-15

    We have several offices with snort sensors and now I’m thinking about central logging and monitoring. I want to make one central DB server with several databases each for every office. Office #1 have database snort#1 and so on. But the problem appeared with monitoring. I want to make different people to monitor different databases and snort events, so I think that we need different BASE instances one for every database. BASE#1 monitors db snort#1 and so on.
    So the question is: How can I make different BASE instances work with one DB Server and different database?

    Thanks for your replies.

    • CrackerJack9

      CrackerJack9 - 2009-04-15

      You just have to configure each of the base_conf.php files to point to their corresponding Snort DBs

      • Volkov

        Volkov - 2009-04-15

        Did I understand  right, that for each database I need to install one more BASE on separate host and configure base_conf.php? If so, is there any way to consolidate on one host different BASE installations?
        Now I have 5 databases and it is quite expensive to have separate host for every BASE installation.

        • Kevin Johnson

          Kevin Johnson - 2009-04-15

          All you have to do is install it into different paths on the web server. 


          • CrackerJack9

            CrackerJack9 - 2009-04-15

            Kevin's right, I didn't specify.

            You can have as many BASE instances on the same Apache server as you can handle - in different directories, virtual directories or even each under a separate instance of Apache if you'd like.

            Just configure each of their base_conf.php files to point to the correct DB/Schema for each

          • CrackerJack9

            CrackerJack9 - 2009-04-15

            Kevin's right, I didn't specify.

            You can have as many BASE instances on the same Apache server as you can handle - in different directories, virtual directories or even each under a separate instance of Apache if you'd like.

            Just configure each of their base_conf.php files to point to the correct DB/Schema for each

    • Rhomboid

      Rhomboid - 2009-06-12

      I did this and there seems to be some blocking issue with databases when performing multiple operations in different instances. For example, deleting a large number of alerts in one instance and simply trying to use another to view events. Yet, using other PHP/MySQL applications concurrently I don't see any blocking with those and there's barely any load on the machine. Is this perhaps some limitation in adodb or another library BASE is using?

    • john rocks

      john rocks - 2009-07-08

      hello,can some one tell me that how create db instances and structures in oracle9i.

      <a href="">administration job</a>


    • john rocks

      john rocks - 2009-07-08

      hello,can some one tell me that how create db instances and structures in oracle9i.

      [url=]administration job[/url]



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