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File Date Author Commit
 SdpoDSM 2009-02-02 pmalheiros [r69] SdpoSM: fixed DSMState width
 SdpoDebayer 2012-02-18 p_costa [r118] sdpodebayer: makefile bug correction (2)
 SdpoFastForm 2010-09-17 pmalheiros [r98] SdpoFastForm - fixed OnClose Event in Linux
 SdpoJoystick 2009-02-11 pmalheiros [r76] SdpoJoystick: win32 allows single button and ax...
 SdpoOpenCV 2012-03-05 pmalheiros [r129] SdpoOpenCV added cvSave, cvRemap and cvComputeC...
 SdpoSerial 2010-05-06 pmalheiros [r95] SdpoSerial - added FlowControl
 SdpoVideo1394 2010-03-15 pmalheiros [r88] SdpoVideo1394 - Format7 PacketSize fix
 SdpoVideo4L2 2012-02-19 p_costa [r120] added GetUserControls
 Sdpofreenect 2012-02-06 p_costa [r112] Added Tsdpofreenect component - a freenect bas...
 dynmatrix 2012-02-28 p_costa [r128] MZeros Bug corrected, better fix
 CHANGELOG 2010-11-08 pmalheiros [r99] 0.1.8 released
 INSTALL 2008-10-15 pmalheiros [r60] Sdpo 0.1.5 release
 LICENSE 2008-01-16 pmalheiros [r4] nomsg
 LICENSE.ADDON 2008-01-16 pmalheiros [r4] nomsg
 README 2009-02-18 pmalheiros [r80] SdpoVideo4L2 - included videodev2 in package un...
 Sdpofreenectlaz.lpk 2012-02-18 p_costa [r116] Add missing Sdpofreenectlaz.lpk
 Sdpofreenectlaz.pas 2012-02-18 p_costa [r116] Add missing Sdpofreenectlaz.lpk
 sdpoDynmatrix.lpk 2012-02-21 p_costa [r123] sdpoDynmatrix.lpk fix
 sdpoDynmatrix.pas 2012-02-21 p_costa [r122] sdpoDynmatrix package added
 sdpodsmlaz.lpk 2009-02-02 pmalheiros [r68] SdpoDSM: added. Win32 tested. Linux not tested
 sdpodsmlaz.pas 2009-02-02 pmalheiros [r68] SdpoDSM: added. Win32 tested. Linux not tested
 sdpofastformlaz.lpk 2010-04-02 pmalheiros [r90] SdpoFastForm added Windows support, still unfin...
 sdpofastformlaz.pas 2008-01-17 pmalheiros [r13] nomsg
 sdpojoysticklaz.lpk 2008-05-15 pmalheiros [r47] SdpoJoystick: adding windows support
 sdpojoysticklaz.pas 2008-05-15 pmalheiros [r47] SdpoJoystick: adding windows support
 sdpoopencvlaz.lpk 2012-02-17 pmalheiros [r115] SdpoOpenCV project name fix
 sdpoopencvlaz.pas 2012-02-16 pmalheiros [r113] SdpoOpenCV fixed package name
 sdposeriallaz.lpk 2010-05-06 pmalheiros [r95] SdpoSerial - added FlowControl
 sdposeriallaz.pas 2008-01-17 pmalheiros [r13] nomsg
 sdpovideo1394laz.lpk 2010-03-15 pmalheiros [r88] SdpoVideo1394 - Format7 PacketSize fix
 sdpovideo1394laz.pas 2008-01-17 pmalheiros [r13] nomsg
 sdpovideo4l2laz.lpk 2011-05-07 p_costa [r102] Added libv4l integration - part3
 sdpovideo4l2laz.pas 2009-02-19 pmalheiros [r81] SdpoVideo4L2: updated videodev2. Removed {} in ...

Read Me

5DPO Component Library.

This library includes a serial communication component (TSdpoSerial), an IEEE1394 camera component (TSdpoVideo1394), an UVC video driver component (TSdpoVideo4L2) and a Gtk form component (TSdpoFastForm).
TSdpoSerial allows asynchronous communication using a serial port based on Synaser. Works in Linux and Windows.
TSdpoVideo1394 makes a connection between Lazarus and libdc1394. Allows the control of IEEE 1394 based cameras that conform to the 1394-based Digital Camera Specifications (also known as the IIDC or DCAM Specifications). Works only in Linux.
TSdpoVideo4L2 allows the control of UVC compliant USB cameras, tested with Logitech Quickcam Orbit/Sphere AF, Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000, Logitech Quickcam Ultra Vision and Acer CrystalEye webcam (Acer Aspire One). For more information go to Works only in Linux.
TSdpoFastForm creates a Gtk window that is useful for fast painting of images (like the ones from the camera) and allows full control of the paint action, useful for real-time image processing. Works only in Linux.
TSdpoJoystick enables the access to a joystick's axis and buttons. Works in Windows and Linux.

All programs are compiled with Free Pascal 2.0.4+ (

Copyright (c) 2006-2009 by Paulo Costa, Paulo Malheiros and Paulo Marques.
All rights reserved.


Sdpo units are licensed under a modified LGPL license. See file LICENSE and LICENSE.ADDON.

The modification allows to static/smart - link Sdpo libraries into binary applications without providing sources.

Example programs are provided under unmodified gnu GPLv2.

See file INSTALL for more information.