
How to use sdpa on windows

Yikui Liu
  • Yikui Liu

    Yikui Liu - 2016-10-17

    I downloaded the sdpa/
    There is an application in it and I want to run it on windows.
    I used the CMD and the command "sdpa ./example1.dat-s ./param.sdpa" to run it on windows. But the program terminated with an fatal error.
    I would like to know how to use it on windows or how can I get a excutable program from the source code.
    Thank you very much.

    • Rui Li

      Rui Li - 2018-01-18

      Hi, Yikui,

      Have you solved the problem? I also want to use SDPA on windows, but I failed it.


  • Rui Li

    Rui Li - 2018-01-22

    Hi all,

    I am using the SDPA-C to solve a SDP problem on Liunx, however, I failed to install the SDPA-C, due to the targeted address: is wrong. I am wondering how can I change this address.

    Thank you so much.



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