
sdlBasic / News: Recent posts

sdlBasic 2012 released!

to day i have decided to pubblicate last version of sdlBasic.
There are not much improvents still now the stability is increased.

Posted by vroby 2012-12-17

alcor2 source in svn

The new source are in svn
there are many modify
feel free to test the code and explore the tools
The compilation require toolchain for open2x and mingw (windows) in /opt
and linux (*butntu suggested)
stay tuned for next progress

Posted by vroby 2012-10-03

new snapshot

publicated in my dropbox a new snapshot 2012-09-14
please test and report feedback

Posted by vroby 2012-09-15

revision of tree

now the tree of source and released code was changed.
I think to develop the code only in virtual machine and test with other machine

Posted by vroby 2012-08-31

rewrite new webpage

the new page is a minimal page

Posted by vroby 2012-08-30

restarted work

there are many news:

added a new repository with name software
It contain many sdlbas program like examples and test

changed the path of toolchain 
from /usr/local/cross-tools
to /opt/cross-tools
they again the old tool stay tuned for new update

now sdlBasic ide for windows compile on toolchain
this was a complicated works still now work
Posted by vroby 2012-08-30


ok i'm back

Posted by vroby 2012-08-26

little fix in sdlBasic setup windows

added 2 dll missing (sorry :-()

Posted by vroby 2007-07-17

new release 20070714

we had updatee a new release with many new features and new platform supported

Posted by vroby 2007-07-16

new snapshot in webpage

new exsprimental version in web page ver. 20041017

Posted by vroby 2004-10-17