
SM83 devices

Philipp Klaus Krause Sebastian Riedel

The devices mentioned on this page can be found in various Sharp documents from 1990 to 1996. However, the Sharp Distributor handbook, version 1.1 from 1999 does not list them in the "8-Bit Microcontroller" section, and the Sharp Semiconductor data Book from 1986 doesn't mention them either.

The SM83 CPU was used in the LR35902 (GameBoy SoC), the LR379xX series of µC for use in TVs and the SM8xx series of µC targeted at home appliances, such as air conditioners.

Name ROM RAM EEPROM Cycle time #Timers
DMG-CPU (LR35902) 256 B 127 B HRAM No 0.95 µs 1
SGB-CPU (LR35902) 256 B 127 B HRAM No 0.93 µs (NTSC) / 0.94 µs (PAL) 1
MGB-CPU (LR35902) 256 B 127 B HRAM 8 KB VRAM No 0.95 µs 1
CPU SGB2 (LR35902) 256 B 127 B HRAM 8 KB VRAM No 0.95 µs 1
CPU CGB (LR35902) 256 B + 1792 B 127 B HRAM 16KB VRAM No 0.95 µs / 0.48 µs 1
LR3793X 32 KB 512 B Yes 1 µs ?
LR3794X 62 KB 512 B No 1 µs ?
LR3795X 16 KB 384 B Yes 1 µs ?
LR3796X 16KB 512 B No 1 µs ?
LR3797X 32 KB 512 B No 1 µs ?
LU8311P0 ? ? ? ? ?
LU8311P1 ? ? ? ? ?
LU8313H5 0 KB ? ? ? ?
LU8320H5 0 KB ? ? ? ?
SM8311 8 KB 512 B No 0.5 µs 4
SM8313 16 KB 512 B No 0.5 µs 4
SM8314 24 KB 1 KB No 0.5 µs 4
SM8315 32 KB 1 KB No 0.5 µs 4
SM8320 12 KB 256 B No 1 µs 2
SM8340 16 KB 512 B No 0.5 µs ?
SM8350 128 KB 512 B No 4 µs ?

The LU83xxH5 have an external data and address bus, allowing the use of an external EPROM. This was meant to allow development targeting the SM8311, SM81313, SM8314 and SM8315 using the LU8315H5, and targeting the SM8320 using the LU8320H5.

The LU8311Px has OTP-ROM instead of the mask-programmed ROM used in the other devices.

The following might or might not use the same core as the GameBoy. There is very little information, and it seems contradictionary (a document on the SM8405 marked as "Preliminary" states that it has an SM84 core and 81 instructions - more than the GameBoy). Other documentation states that the 84xx have 74 instructions (just like the GameBoy and SM83). Apparently, there was a "structured assembler" running on MS-DOS targeting both the SM83 and SM84, so if there were any differences in the instruction set they would probably have been small.

Name ROM RAM EEPROM Cycle time #Timers
LU8405H5 0 KB ? ? ? ?
LU8405P0 ? ? ? ? ?
LU8408H5 0 KB ? ? ? ?
LU8410H5 0 KB ? ? ? ?
LU8410P0 ? ? ? ? ?
LU8413H5 0 KB ? ? ? ?
LU8413P0 ? ? ? ? ?
SM8402 8 KB 128 B No ? ?
SM8405 8 KB 128 B No 2 µs 2
SM8406 12 KB 128 B No 2 µs ?
SM8408 16 KB 256 B No 2 µs ?
SM8410 16 KB 512 B No ? ?
SM8411 24 KB 512 B No ? ?
SM8413 32 KB 1 KB No 0.72 µs ?
SM8415 10 KB 320 B No ? ?

The LU84xxH5 have an external data and address bus, allowing the use of an external EPROM. This was meant to allow development targeting the SM8405, and SM8406 using the LU8405H5, targeting the SM8408 using the KU8408H5, targeting the SM8410, SM8411 and SM 8415 using the LU8410H5, targeting the SM8413 using the LU8413H5.

The LU84xxP0 have OTP-ROM instead of the mask-programmed ROM used in the other devices.


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