

Philipp Klaus Krause Benedikt Freisen

SDCC - Small Device C Compiler Wiki

This Wiki has been set up to track

  • SDCC releases, including requirements, targets, the plan and current status
  • SDCC development related documentation

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

Note: Many pages have not yet been ported from the old wiki. A backup of the old wiki can be found at:

Future [SDCC 4.5.0 Release]

User Documentation


TODO Lists

Developer Documentation


Old Releases

Project Members:


Wiki: 8051 Variants
Wiki: Adding a port
Wiki: Assemblers and Linkers
Wiki: Atomics
Wiki: Builtins
Wiki: CDB File Format
Wiki: Compile and link a bootloader
Wiki: Creating SDCC release binary archives from snapshot builds
Wiki: Distributed Compile Farm
Wiki: Funding
Wiki: HOWTO Configure Fedora 11 x86_64 for SDCC i386 builds
Wiki: HOWTO Create a SDCC Branch
Wiki: HOWTO Make Snapshot Builds on the Developer Machine
Wiki: Hardware Vendor Relations
Wiki: IDE Integration
Wiki: Language dialects used in SDCC
Wiki: List of changes between GCC cpp and sdcpp
Wiki: MCU programming software, hardware and HAL libraries
Wiki: Macro system design
Wiki: OpenBSD
Wiki: Philipp's TODO list
Wiki: Project ideas
Wiki: Rabbits
Wiki: Regression Testing
Wiki: Running SDCC regression tests on mingw build
Wiki: SDCC 2.4.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC 3.3.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC 3.4.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC 3.5.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC 3.6.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC 3.7.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC 3.8.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC 3.9.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC 4.0.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC 4.1.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC 4.2.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC 4.3.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC 4.4.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC 4.5.0 Release
Wiki: SDCC Library Licenses
Wiki: SDCC coding style
Wiki: SDCC developer meeting
Wiki: SDCC history
Wiki: SM83 devices
Wiki: Snapshot Builds
Wiki: Standard Compliance
Wiki: Test
Wiki: Tutorials
Wiki: Visually debug for 8051 using DDD SDCDB S51
Wiki: Z80 instruction timing
Wiki: z80