
#499 Linker: Interrupts handle on MCS51 problem

Tom Riddle

If I wrote two C files, one has a handle for interrupt 0, and the other has a handle for interrupt 1.

In linker stage, only the last file 's interrupt is proply handled by the linker. You can see the code pointed out by the arrow, but it is not appear in the IVT

1 Attachments


  • Tom Riddle

    Tom Riddle - 2016-05-05

    Add the IVT part.

  • Maarten Brock

    Maarten Brock - 2016-05-05

    And now you post a request for support in the feature requests? What is the feature you'r requesting?

    Please read the manual. It states that you must provide the prototypes for all interrupt service routines to the module that contains your main() function. This way the compiler knows it must create an entry for it in the IVT.

    And please don't paste code as a picture. I'm sure you can cut and paste it as text as well. Use the button to paste it as code to preserve indentation.

    • Tom Riddle

      Tom Riddle - 2016-05-05

      I 'm sorry for putting these images by attachments....

      I just want a feature that can collect all interrupt handler function fairly....And now I have a idea to realize it. If I did it, I will send patch to you.

      But first I will make structs or unions can pass to function by arguments or return values, and some code like "for(int i....".


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