
function pointer generate wrong code

  • MH

    MH - 2006-01-07

    I use "c:\Programme\sdcc2.5\bin\sdcc -v
    SDCC : mcs51/gbz80/z80/avr/ds390/pic16/pic14/TININative/xa51/ds400/hc08 2.5.2 #1102 (Aug 26 2005) " with the option --mcs51 and want use function pointers, but they didn't work (generate wrong assembler code)

    void TX_A1(void);
    void TX_A2(void);
    void TX_A3(void);
    void TX_A4(void);

    struct Status_FT_12
         void (*action)(void);  ///<function pointer calls the given function of the status machine table
        unsigned char following_state; ///<status machine status

    const struct Status_FT_12 TRANSMITER_TABLE[2][2]=
    //                            TX_START_BYTE_1                TX_LENGTH_1               
    /*EV_DATA_BYTE */        {{TX_A1,0}    ,{TX_A3,2}    },
    /*EV_DATA_BYTE_END*/    {{TX_A2,1}    ,{TX_A4,3}    }


    void main(void) {
            (*TRANSMITER_TABLE[0][1].action)();//call the function of the transmiter table



    void TX_A1(void)
    void TX_A2(void)
    void TX_A3(void)
    void TX_A4(void)


    Results:(from *.asm)
        ar2 = 0x02
        ar3 = 0x03
        ar4 = 0x04
        ar5 = 0x05
        ar6 = 0x06
        ar7 = 0x07
        ar0 = 0x00
        ar1 = 0x01
    ;main.c:44: while(1)
    ; [--------] ic:4:  _whilebody_0($2) :
    ;main.c:46: (*TRANSMITER_TABLE[0][1].action)();//call the function of the transmiter table
    ; [--------] ic:5:     iTemp0 [k3 lr5:6 so:0]{ ia0 a2p0 re0 rm1 nos0 ru0 dp0}{const-struct Status_FT_12 [2]  code-code* }[remat] = &[_TRANSMITER_TABLE [k2 lr0:0 so:0]{ ia0 a2p0 re0 rm0 nos0 ru0 dp0}{const-struct Status_FT_12 [2]  code-[2] }]
    ; [--------] ic:6:     iTemp1 [k4 lr6:7 so:0]{ ia0 a2p0 re0 rm1 nos0 ru0 dp0}{const-void function    ( )  code*  code-code* }[remat] = iTemp0 [k3 lr5:6 so:0]{ ia0 a2p0 re0 rm1 nos0 ru0 dp0}{const-struct Status_FT_12 [2]  code-code* }[remat] + 0x3 {literal-unsigned-char}
    ; [--------] ic:7:     iTemp3 [k7 lr7:8 so:0]{ ia0 a2p0 re0 rm0 nos0 ru0 dp0}{const-void function    ( )  code-code* }[r2 r3 ] = @[iTemp1 [k4 lr6:7 so:0]{ ia1 a2p0 re0 rm1 nos0 ru0 dp0}{const-void function    ( )  code*  code-code* }[remat]]
    ;     genPointerGet
    ;     genCodePointerGet
        mov    dptr,#(_TRANSMITER_TABLE + 0x0003)
    ;    Peephole 181    changed mov to clr
        clr    a
        movc    a,@a+dptr
        mov    r2,a
        mov    a,#0x01
        movc    a,@a+dptr
        mov    r3,a
    ; [--23----] ic:8:     iTemp4 [k8 lr8:8 so:0]{ ia0 a2p0 re0 rm0 nos0 ru0 dp0}{code-const-void} = pcall iTemp3 [k7 lr7:8 so:0]{ ia0 a2p0 re0 rm0 nos0 ru0 dp0}{const-void function    ( )  code-code* }[r2 r3 ]
    ;     genPCall
        push    ar2
        push    ar3
        mov    a,#00107$
        push    acc
        mov    a,#(00107$ >> 8)
        push    acc
        push    ar2
        push    ar3

    In the assembler code I'm missing the jump order to the function pointer.

    Is this a bug, or do I something wrong?

    Thanks for your help

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2006-01-09

      The last ret instruction does the call. If I read the code correctly, ar2 and ar3 contain the function pointer from the table. These are pushed into the stack just before ret is executed. Ret pops the return address off the stack and jumps there, in this case it will be address given by r2 and r3.


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