
#3603 stm8 and 4.3.0 #14110 (Linux)


I updated from 4.0 to 4.3.0 #14110.
Saving code space is excellent, but I have a function for writing to the

void EEPROMdata8(uint16_t address, uint8_t data)
((uint8_t)(uint16_t)address) = ((uint8_t*)(&(uint8_t)data));

and now Make will display

?ASlink-Warning-Undefined Global 'iTemp1' referenced by module 'eeprom'

In eeprom.lst is now

                                  137; eeprom.c: 51:

((uint8_t)(uint16_t)address) = ((uint8_t)(&(uint8_t)data));
000052 AEr00r00 [ 2] 138 ldw x, #iTemp1+0
000055 F6 [ 1] 139 ld a, (x)
000056 90 F7 [ 1] 140 ld (y), a

If I change to

((uint8_t)address) = ((uint8_t)&data);

the code is

                                  137; eeprom.c: 50:

((uint8_t)address) = ((uint8_t)&data);
000053 90 93 [ 1] 138 ldw y, x
000055 7B 01 [ 1] 139 ld a, (0x01, sp)
000057 90 F7 [ 1] 140 ld (y), a

Even if I change to

((uint8_t)address) = ((uint8_t)&data);
((uint8_t)(uint16_t)address) = ((uint8_t)(&(uint8_t)data));

the code is correct in both cases

                                  137; eeprom.c: 50:

((uint8_t)address) = ((uint8_t)&data);
000053 90 93 [ 1] 138 ldw y, x
000055 7B 01 [ 1] 139 ld a, (0x01, sp)
000057 90 F7 [ 1] 140 ld (y), a
141; eeprom.c: 51:
((uint8_t)(uint16_t)address) = ((uint8_t)(&(uint8_t)data));
000059 7B 01 [ 1] 142 ld a, (0x01, sp)
00005B F7 [ 1] 143 ld (x), a

CFLAGS= -lstm8 -mstm8 --opt-code-size --std-sdcc99 --out-fmt-elf --model-medium --max-allocs-per-node 10000

I'm a newbie, I don't know these things. Hopefully it will work.

10 Attachments




  • Philipp Klaus Krause

    Where can I find the stm8s.h included by main.c?

    • deves

      deves - 2023-06-22

      This is a regular stm8s.h with a patch for sdcc and I don't know how it is with copyright.

    • Philipp Klaus Krause

      I tried with stm8s.h from, but that didn't work for me ("main.c:12: error 20: Undefined identifier 'FLASH'").
      Maybe you could provide the of preprocessed main.c (i.e. what you get via sdcc -E)? Then no headers would be needed to compile.


      Last edit: Philipp Klaus Krause 2023-06-22
      • deves

        deves - 2023-06-22

        To stm8s.h add

        #define disableInterrupts() {__asm sim __endasm;}
        #define enableInterrupts() {__asm rim __endasm;}
        #define FLASH_IAPSR *(volatile uint8_t*)0x505F
        #define FLASH_IAPSR_DUL       ((uint8_t)0x08)
        #define FLASH_IAPSR_EOP       ((uint8_t)0x04)
        #define FLASH_PUKR_PUK        ((uint8_t)0xFF)
        #define FLASH_DUKR_DUK        ((uint8_t)0xFF)

        In main.c all "->" change to "_".

        • Philipp Klaus Krause

          Thanks. I can reproduce the issue now on my Debian GNU/Linux testing system.

          • deves

            deves - 2023-06-22

            I use
            Kernel: 6.2.16-060216-generic x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: N/A Desktop: Cinnamon 5.6.8
            tk: GTK 3.24.33 wm: muffin dm: LightDM Distro: Linux Mint 21.1 Vera base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy

  • Philipp Klaus Krause

    I've simplified the code a bit:

    #include <stdint.h>
    #define FLASH_DUKR *(volatile uint8_t*)0x5064
    #define FLASH_IAPSR *(volatile uint8_t*)0x505F
    #define FLASH_IAPSR_DUL       ((uint8_t)0x08)
    inline void EEPROMunlock(void)
        // Enable the flash data writing
        FLASH_DUKR = 0xAE;
        FLASH_DUKR = 0x56;
        while (!(FLASH_IAPSR & FLASH_IAPSR_DUL));
    void EEPROMdata8b(uint16_t *address, uint8_t data)
        *((uint8_t*)(uint16_t)address) = *((uint8_t*)(&(uint8_t)data));
    • deves

      deves - 2023-06-22

      I have msg
      main.c main.c:19: error 9: FATAL Compiler Internal Error in file '/home/sdcc-builder/build/sdcc-build/orig/sdcc/src/stm8/peep.c' line number '93' : readint() got non-integer argument:
      Contact Author with source code
      make: *** [Makefile:63: build/main.rel] Chyba 1

      • Philipp Klaus Krause

        Yes. For the smaller example, the reference to the iTemp apparently also confuses the peephole optimizer.

  • Philipp Klaus Krause

    Looks like the information that data has had its address taken in not correctly passed from AST. At the time we generate the RECEIVE iCode for the register parameter data, the addrtaken flag is not set; I suspect that this later results in the problem, as register allocation puts a variable into registers, and code generation then tries to take its address.

    • deves

      deves - 2023-06-22

      How to get the compilation's typecasting to work properly.
      ((uint8_t)address) = ((uint8_t)(&data));

      • Philipp Klaus Krause

        Yes. The logic for setting the isaddr flag in src/SDCCast.c checks for IS_AST_SYM_VALUE, which is true when the & operator is applied directly to the symbol, but not when applied to the casted value.

        It might be hard to fix this and make it work. It works in GCC and MSVC, and sometimes happens to work for SDCC. But AFAIK it is not required by the standard, so we could emit an error message (like clang does), telling the user that & of an rvalue is not supported.

        P.S.: And the logic for that is already there and works for other expressions, and some casts. So the underlying issue here is apparently that for this cast, the rvalue flag wasn't set or checked correctly. And apparently a similar issue as for this cast also exists for unary minus, as the following code compiles without error (it returns -i):

        int *p(int i)
            return &(-i);

        P.P.S.: Looks like this (checking that the operand is not an rvalue) is totally broken. For unary operators, we don't get an error message at all. For binary operators we get a confusing one.


        Last edit: Philipp Klaus Krause 2023-06-23
        • Philipp Klaus Krause

          I think I have a fix. But it needs a bit more testing, which I won't be able to do before Monday. Apparently lvalue vs. rvlaue handling was quite messed up in SDCC, so the fix is bigger than I first expected; IMO it needs quite some testing before going into a release. That means it would go into trunk after the 4.3.0 releaase.


          Last edit: Philipp Klaus Krause 2023-06-23
          • deves

            deves - 2023-06-23

            This is very good news. But I'm a newbie and I've never patched or compiled from sources before.
            If there was a non-public nightbuild, I would test it.
            Some time ago I did a lot of searching for alternative code notations to get the shortest result. I fought for every byte. Much improved in 4.3. I am glad that sdcc is so intensely alive. Thanks.

            • Philipp Klaus Krause

              The fix is in the next branch now (to be merged to trunk after the 4.3.0 release), so it is likely to be in snapshots sometime early next month.

              If you want to try it now, compiling sdcc from source isn't hard on GNU/Linux:

              1) Get the source (e.g. for the next branch: svn checkout svn:// sdcc-next)
              2) cd sdcc-next
              3) ./configure --disable-pic14-port --disable-pic16-port
              4) make (or use make -j N, where N is the number of cores to use for a faster compile).
              5) make install (with sufficient priviledges) to install into /usr/local.

              If you miss some tools or libraries, 2) should tell you which ones are missing. If you use Debian/Ubuntu or similar, apt-get build-dep sdcc should install what is needed, so it likely makes sense to do that first.

  • Philipp Klaus Krause

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Philipp Klaus Krause
  • Philipp Klaus Krause

    Fixed in [r14211] by merging next to trunk.



    Commit: [r14211]

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