
#7116 The Neverhood Crash upon clicking the "type-in" bar on Load/Delete game screen

The Neverhood

Hey,......Me Willie,I mean...nevermind...

First of all,sorry for the long name,I just wanted to call it so you can understand what I mean. It's not really a big deal,it's just that when I go to the Load/Delete screen of The Neverhood game and click my mouse on the bar where I should type the name of the slot to be Loaded/Deleted,then it just crashes without any error,but fortunately I can click directly on the slot to Load/Delete it. And it also doesn't do it on the Save screen,only those two. And also,I am using the default Save/Load/Delete Game screens of the game,not the ones from ScummVM.

ScummVM version: 1.8.0
Language of game: English
Version of game: CD,but I got it on my computer,so I don't need CD anymore
Platform and Compiler: Win32

As I already told you,it's not really a big deal,I just wanted to let you know because I tried it on the game itself (without ScummVM I mean) and it didn't happen. I think it's not relevant as it also happens when I launch the game from the launcher but I am using a shortcut of ScummVM with a command line to: disable the console and automatically run the game upon start.

Thanks :)


  • Torbjörn Andersson

    I've fixed the crash. We don't allow typing the name of the game to load (even though the original did), but since we allow multiple save games to have the same name, this may be for the best.

  • Torbjörn Andersson

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Torbjörn Andersson
  • Mike

    Mike - 2016-04-21

    So if I understand it right,you mean that it's supposed to be like this?

  • Torbjörn Andersson

    I believe so.

    When saving, you can of course type the name of the saved game. I think ScummVM behaves pretty close to the original.

    When loading, the original allowed you to type the name of the game to load, as well as clicking on the name of it. Since ScummVM allows you to have the same name on multiple save games, I thought it most sensible to only allow clicking on the name. (Easier, too. :-)

    When deleting a game, it seemed to me that the original only allowed you to click on the name of the game to delete, and this is what ScummVM does as well.