
#6314 KYRA: Wrong MIDI notes sometimes heard at beginning of new s

Kyrandia 2

English talkie version of Kyrandia 2
Current Git snapshot

When the music changes between rooms, it is first faded down and then the new song is played. But in some cases, you can still hear the tail end of the notes of the old song at the beginning of the new one. As best as I can understand, once the music has faded out, we tell the MIDI device to end the notes. But this does not actually end them immediately, because there is an optional "decay" phase to the note. I'm attaching a savegame for one of the more obvious cases. Just walk down, back to the (no longer) petrified forest.

I haven't been able to find a way to end the note immediately.


  • Torbjörn Andersson

    Savegame near the petrified forest

  • Torbjörn Andersson

    One possible would be to (usually) not set the volume immediately, but rather wait until there is a "note on" event on that channel. I don't know if this will automatically terminate the old note, so my main reasoning was to potentially give the old note a bit longer to die.

    I'm attaching a barely tested proof-of-concept patch.

  • Torbjörn Andersson

    • milestone: --> Kyrandia 2
    • labels: --> iMuse/Music
  • Torbjörn Andersson

    Barely tested proof-of-concept patch

  • Torbjörn Andersson

    • assigned_to: nobody --> lordhoto