
#4709 GUI Tools: issue with CLI output directory


Using the GSoC 2009 GUI tool compiled on Saturday November 28 2009 on an Intel mac running MacOS X 10.4.

I tried using the -o and --output flags and it always fails. It seems it is not possible to give an output directory. Here is an example with extract_scumm_mac, but I also tried with compress_scumm_sou, compress_scumm_san and compress_scumm_bun

$ mkdir output_dir
$ ./tools_cli -o output_dir Day\ of\ the\ Tentacle\ Data

Running using extract_scumm_mac
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ToolException'
what(): Could not parse arguments: Expected path after '-o' or '--output'.
Abort trap

I also tried -o output_dir/, --output output_dir, --output=output_dir, and I tried with the full path instead of a relative path.
Nothing worked. I always get the same message, except when using =, I get a different error message:

Possibly ignored option --output=output_dir.
Fatal Error : Could not open file --output=output_dir


  • Joost Peters

    Joost Peters - 2009-11-29

    There were some grave bugs in the output path setting code. Obviously this was never tested by the student *sigh*. Should be fixed now. Thanks for reporting!

  • Joost Peters

    Joost Peters - 2009-11-29
    • assigned_to: nobody --> joostp
    • status: open --> closed-fixed